A Real Hearth's Warming

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Author's note: this is the last chapter of this story. But don't worry I am going to write a vary special story about the other authors story called the midnight dancer so I am righting a sequel to the story you might like to read.
Leave me a comment and tell me what you think of it, thank you all my friends, and have a Merry Christmas.
A Real Hearth's Warming PreviousChapters
Back at Rainbow's home, the two pegasi were snuggling on the couch together, reading the first Daring Do book.
"Hurry up and read faster, Dashie!  I have to know if Daring Do is going to survive or not!"  Soarin whined teasingly.
"I'm trying you goof!  I told ya it's a good series!"  Rainbow chuckled, shoving him playfully.
Rainbow continued to read to her new coltfriend and snuggled deeper into his side enjoying his warmth.  Soarin draped a wing over Dash's back, accidentally brushing her side with his wingtips.
"Hey!" Rainbow Dash giggled as she dropped the book.  "Don't do that!"
"Awww, is wittle Dashie ticklish?"  Soarin asked in a mocking voice.
"N-no!  Who said anything about being ticklish?"  Rainbow said averting her eyes from his gaze, blushing slightly.
Soarin grinned mischievously, and carefully plucked one of his loose feather from his wing holding it between his teeth.  Rainbow's eyes widened.
"You wouldn't dare." she gasped.
"Oh yes I would!" Soarin said as he pounced on her and began to tickle her sides with his feather as she giggled uncontrollably.
"St-stop... hahaha...i-it... haha... S-soarin!"  Rainbow Dash wheezed in between laughs as he continued to tickle her neck and stomach.
"Only if you surrender!" Soarin paused with the feather between his teeth.
Rainbow immediately regretted her decision, as Soarin continued to tickle her to death on the couch.
"Okay okay, fine!  I surrender!"  Rainbow gasped, catching her breath.
Soarin spat out the feather, a smug look on his face, and lay down beside her. 
"Ya know for the toughest mare in Equestria, you sure are sensitive," Soarin chuckled.
"Oh yeah?  Well, I bet you are too." Rainbow said slyly as she plucked one of her own feathers and began to tickle Soarin with it.
"Gah!  Hey!" Soarin laughed as Dash tickled him mercilessly.
"Not so tough are you now, fly boy." Rainbow said as she continued to tickle him.
"Stop!  Stop... hahaha... it!" Soarin snickered.
"Make me." she replied, now tickling his neck.
Soarin leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Dash's lips, causing her to yelp in surprise and fall back.
"You did that on purpose!" Rainbow accused, blushing furiously.
"Maybe..." Soarin said innocently and climbed back onto the couch, patting the spot beside him.  "C'mon, let's get back to the story!"
Rainbow rolled her eyes and joined him.
"Fine, but you're reading this time."
Rainbow snuggled into Soarin's fur, as she listened to his soothing voice read her favorite book.

"Woah!  I can't believe Daring Do went through all that!  I have to read the rest of the series!" Soarin said ecstatically.
Rainbow chuckled.  "I guess that means you'll be visiting more often."
"You bet!  And not just for the books..." Soarin winked, causing Dash to blush a little.
"Hey Soar, do you want to hit the hay?  I'm exhausted." Rainbow said with a yawn.
"Sure.  Should I, uh, sleep on the couch again?" Soarin asked nervously, blushing slightly.
"Of course not, you goof!  We can share the bed.  I'm not letting my coltfriend sleep on just a couch!" Rainbow said with a smile.
"You sure you're okay with this, Dashie?  I don't want to rush things if you aren't comfortable with it."
"Course I am Soarin.  I trust you." Rainbow Dash said, gently nuzzling him.
"Then what are we waiting for!" Soarin said as he scooped up Rainbow in his arms.
"Woah!  Hey!  I'm awake this time, you don't have to carry me." Rainbow protested as Soarin carried her up the stairs.
"But I want to carry you Dashie," Soarin pouted.
"Alright fine..." Rainbow chuckled, gently bopping him on the nose.
Soarin laid her across her bed, and the two snuggled under the covers together.  Rainbow Dash moved closer to Soarin, and rested the back
of her head against his chest.
"Does wittle Dashie need a hug?" Soarin teased.
"Shut up a cuddle me." Rainbow ordered, nestling herself deeper into him.
"Yes Ma'am."
The two snuggled closer to each other, enjoying each other's warmth and the comfort they provided for one another.
"Hey Soarin?" Rainbow whispered softly.
"Yes Dashie?" he said looking down at her.
"Thanks for everything..." she said before kissing him softly.
"For- for what?" Soarin asked, reddening a little.
"For just being you." Rainbow replied, as she rested her head on his shoulder, snoring softly.
Soarin smiled lovingly at her, and wrapped a wing around her frame, drawing her closer to him.
"I love you too Dashie..."
The two lovers slept peacefully together, their breathing patterns syncing, their hearts beating as one.

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