18 - Monster Hunting

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"And I'll have four boxes of the thirty-eights."

The man behind the counter cocks a brow at the lighters, gasoline, bear traps, nails, and the other items we had set on the counter for him to ring up. To anyone else, this might seem like a major red flag for teenagers to be purchasing all of this.

He turns to the shelf behind him to grab the boxes of ammo that Jonathan asked for. "What you kids doin' with all of this?"

Our mouths fall open at the question. Sure, we knew that this would look odd, yet we didn't really prepare what we would say if someone were to question what we were up to.

I open my mouth to answer his question, but end up shutting it seconds later when I glance at Jonathan and Nancy. "Um," My forehead scrunches in thought.

"Monster hunting." Nancy states.

"Huh." The man mutters as he sets the boxes on the counter.

He continues to ring us up, not bothering to ask anymore questions or say anything else except for what we owe him. We split the cost of all of it and carry everything out of the store to the side of the building, where we had parked Jonathan's car.

"Monster hunting?" I tease my sister as we approach the car.

Jonathan balances the box of items in his arm and on top of his leg to pop the trunk of his car. Once the trunk is open, I set the bags I'm carrying in it along with Jonathan.

"You know," Nancy looks away from the trunk. "Last week, I was shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like. It took me, Reagan, and Barb all weekend."

I groan at the memory of that trip. "I like shopping, but not for him."

Nancy places the things in the trunk, chuckling, "It seemed, like, life or death, you know? And- And now-"

"You're shopping for bear traps with your sister and Jonathan Byers?" Jonathan states. He grabs the top of the trunk to slam it shut.

"Yeah," Nancy nods, smiling at me.

Jonathan shoves his keys into his jean jacket pocket. "What's the weirdest part? Me or the bear trap?"

"You." I answer for my sister, knowing what she was going to say. I grin at Jonathan with amusement in my eyes.

Nancy bobs her head in agreement. "Definitely you."

A car horn goes off from behind us. I turn around at the sound of it, curious to know who was honking their horn. A dark red Mustang turns down the street we are on.

"Hey, Nance!" A guy from school calls out from the passenger window. All of us turn toward the car as they drive by. "Can't wait to see your movie."

"What the hell was that?" Jonathan asks, confused.

I watch the rear of the car as they drive off without saying another word. That was odd. Why would they say something like that?

"I don't know." Nancy mumbles just as baffled. She suddenly spins around, eyes on the stores across the street.

"Nancy, what?" I frown, turning to look at what she's looking at.

"What?" Jonathan questions her, as well.

My sister starts to jog to the sidewalk without saying a word. I look to Jonathan, not understanding what it going on. What did that guy mean by her movie? An idea pops in my head and I chase after my sister. The movie theatre is right down the street.

"Hey!" Jonathan yells from his car. "Where are you going?"

I trail behind my sister until both of us spot what the guy was talking about across the street. Nancy jogs to the movie theatre and I feel my jaw fall slack at the red letters painted on the theatre's vertical sign outside above the entrance.

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