03 - Sneaking Out

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All day, I was worried about Jonathan because he never came to school. My first thought was that he was sick. At least, I thought that until I got home and heard from Mike that Will was missing. He never got home last night and no one knew where he was. 

"We should be out there right now. We should be helping look for him." Mike argues with mom for the hundredth time since we got home. 

Truthfully, I wanted to be out there looking for Will, too. There was a search party going on right now for him. They could use all the help they can get. Not to mention that I wanted to know how Jonathan was doing during all of this. He loved his little brother. To know that he was missing was probably terrifying. I don't know what I would do if Mike was missing. 

Mom helps feeds Holly on the other side of the table. "We've been over this, Mike. The chief says-"

"I don't care what the chief said." Mike blurts. His plate of food has barely been touched since we sat down about fifteen minutes ago. 

I aimlessly push the food around my plate. My mind was running all over the place for me to concentrate on eating. 

"Michael!" Mom scolds him. 

Mike waves his hands around out in front of his chest. "We have to do something."

"Mom, Will's right." I stick up for my younger brother. "Will could be in danger." 

Mom shoots me a pointed glare for defending my brother. The look that said I should eat my dinner and stay out of this. "More reason to stay put." 

"Mom!" Mike raises his voice slightly.

Her mouth falls open at his tone. "End of discussion." Mom glances at every single one of us, like she was waiting to see if one of us would keep talking about it. 

I shove a piece of chicken in my mouth to keep me from getting into trouble. Mike and I were the ones that had a problem keeping our mouths shut when we strongly believed something. That was another thing that I got from my mother that she'd never admit. 

"So," Nancy dares to start up a conversation. "Me and Barbara are gonna study at her house tonight. That's cool, right?"

Mom messes with the food on her plate. "No, not cool."

I eat another piece of chicken to stay quiet. If mom hears me make any noise of amusement, she'll use it as a reason to ground me or force me to do the dishes. Something that I definitely did not want to do. 

"What? Why not?" Nancy snaps. 

My eyes widen and I switch to the potatoes to stop myself from making any sarcastic comments. Mom is not in a good mood tonight and I do not need to experience her attitude tonight. Nancy and I go back and forth of being the good child. I would always be the good child if I didn't make so many sarcastic remarks. I don't think Nancy was used to not getting her way. 

"Why do you think?" Mom peers at all of us, quickly. "Am I speaking Chinese in this house?" Her gaze lands on me and I shovel a large mouthful of mashed potatoes in my mouth. A sigh comes from her. "Until we know Will is okay, no one leaves." 

It's not like I ever really go anywhere anyways. The only place I go is to work at the ice cream shop in town or to Barbara's house. Being placed under house arrest wasn't that big of a deal for me. 

"This is such bullshit." Nancy blurts, frustrated. 

"Language." Dad and I say, simultaneously. Dad said it out of habit, whereas, I said it just to be an asshole. 

Mike slides his plate over to me, motioning to his mashed potatoes. I give him a thin lipped smile. Mike is always on my side when it comes down to it. He knows that I struggle to keep all of my sarcastic comments to myself. I use my fork to scoop up a large amount. If I keep my mouth full of food, I won't be able to talk. 

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