14 - Funeral

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This funeral felt real and fake all at the same time. My emotions were all over the place. Ever since we figured out that there is a very good chance that Will and Barbara are still alive, the three of us were ready to find out the truth. 

What confused Jonathan and I the most was where did the fake body of Will's come from? Who would create a fake body to make it seem like Will was dead when he is really alive? We wanted to be out there and figuring everything out. That would have to wait, though. 

Mom stands behind me as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I am wearing my best, black dress for the funeral. This funeral was simply fake, yet I still felt myself tearing up at the thought of going. Will could very much be alive right now, but having to go to his funeral anyways was still hard. 

"Here we go." Mom says as she zips up the back of my dress. She smiles over my shoulder. "You look nice, sweetie."

I avoid meeting her gaze in the mirror. I didn't want to go to the funeral. I wanted to be out there with my sister and Jonathan, searching for Will and Barbara. They were out there and I wouldn't stop until we found them. 

"Anything else?" Mom rests her hands on my shoulders. "You can borrow my black heels if you want. The ones you wore to Cathy's birthday."

I glance down at the black flat on my feet. I lift my head back up to look back at my mom in the mirror. "I'm fine, thanks."

"Fear not, for I am with you," Pastor Charles reads aloud at the funeral. "I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you." 

Goosebumps rise on my body as a cool gust of wind blows over the funeral. Most of the people that were standing or sitting around the coffin were smart enough to wear a heavy jacket. I was not one of them. My black dress came to the middle of my thighs and the sleeves were long, yet it was not warm enough for me. I could not stop shaking in my seat next to Jonathan.

The couple of chairs were meant for the Byer's family and I planned on standing with my family until Jonathan had me sit down beside him. Maybe it was for comfort or to just help him stay calm during all of this. Either way, I was okay with sitting right beside him. 

"- I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. It's times like these that our faith is challenged." 

Without fully thinking about it, my left hand reaches out to cover Jonathan's. He jumps from coldness of my hand and his head snaps to the right, eyes wide with surprise from my actions. I gave him a half smile to let him know that I was there for him. 

"- how, if He is truly benevolent could God take from us someone so young, so innocent? It would be easy to turn away from God, but we must remember that nothing, not even tragedy, can separate us from His love."

Jonathan's hand sliding over mine catches me by surprise. My eyes dart to our hands to see him holding my one hand in between both of his. Can he tell that I am absolutely freezing right now? I think I was the only dumb one to not bring a jacket. 

"- We are are here today to find comfort in the truth of scripture and to surround Will and his family-"

After the funeral, everyone who came pays their respects to the Byers' family. I stuck close to my own family just waiting for all of this to be over. I watch as my mom and dad apologize to Jonathan's dad, Lonnie, since Mrs. Byers is unable to look away from the coffin. 

Everyone began to leave and the graveyard started to empty out. They started to wander over to their cars that weren't too far away. All of the adults mainly swarmed together while their children stood around each other. 

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