22 - Trap

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Mourning the loss of a loved one is hard. Everyone has their own way of grieving. One thing for sure is that it is never easy. The person you want the most is there and they aren't. They can't be. 

A piece of my heart will forever be missing. Barbara was given a piece of my heart when she became my best friend. You always think that it will be safe and the thought of your friend dying is never a factor you think of. I don't know how to feel.

All I wanted to do was save her. I thought we were going to be able to rescue Barb from the Upside Down. I thought we still had a chance. 

Sniffling sounds from my right side. I don't turn my head. I don't even move in the slightest. I knew who it was. I knew who was hurting as much as I was. Nancy followed me out of the gymnasium when Hopper and Mrs. Byers proceeded to help Eleven out of the pool. I couldn't hold it back anymore. 

The room was closing in around me. I needed to be alone, so I walked out of the double doors with muttering a word to anyone. No one stopped me. I didn't wander far. I only went to the area right outside of the double doors, pressed my back against the tiger painted walls and slide down until I was sitting on the floor. 

I saw Hopper and Mrs. Byers rush through the room to go outside. They were going to Castle Byers, Will's little hideout. Only a couple seconds passed before Jonathan chased after them, most likely trying to convince the two of them for him to tag along. That's when Nancy joined me. She slide down the wall and accidentally bumped her arm against mine.

Neither of us said anything. We were crying in silence, mourning over the loss of our best friend. The two of us have never gone through something like this. We've never had a relative or anyone we knew die or, at least, we didn't remember it. 

Jonathan walks through the doors that lead outside, where his mother and Hopper disappeared to. Tires screeching from outside, ceasing when the door slams shut once more. He strolls over to where we are sitting against the wall. Much like Nancy did, Jonathan slides down the wall and settles on the ground on my right. 

"We have to go back to the station." I speak up. My eyes stay trained on the opposite wall. 

Jonathan turns toward me. "What?" 

I release a sigh and meet his eyes. "Your mom and Hopper are just walking in there, like bait." I shift on the ground, turning my body more toward him. "That-" I press my lips together before spitting the next word out, "- thing is still in there, and we can't just sit here and let it get them, too."

"We can't." Nancy agrees in a soft whisper.

Jonathan's eyes narrow, trying to decipher what we are trying to say. His brow raises once he understands. "You still wanna try it out?" 

Simultaneously, my sister and I raise our chins in the air, eyes slightly hooded and we reply, "I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it."

There's a brief look that flashes over Jonathan's face, taken aback by the way we spoke and acted in unison. We were growing more in sync with each other. Everything that has happened has only brought us closer to each other. Our thoughts are shared in a way that we didn't need to speak aloud for the other to understand. 

Yes, we did have everyone else that cared about us, but we mainly had each other. My sister was the only person that I absolutely trusted with my life and I knew she felt the same way about me. 

After grabbing everything that was taken from us at the station, we drove back to Jonathan's house to set up our trap for the monster. Our first task was to fix all of the lights that were strung up since many of them had the bulbs taken off. Jonathan set up the bear trap in their hallway, ready to go off when the monster steps in it. 

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