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Emalyn's POV///I finish up cleaning the tables and head behind the counter

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Emalyn's POV///
I finish up cleaning the tables and head behind the counter.
"It's time to restock the cups Cara!"
I sigh as I find the extra cups we keep under here. It was her job to restock them.
I hear the bell on the shop door ring. Great a customer and no cups.
I decide to give up searching and get up and dust the dirt off my apron.
I look up and meet some familiar brown eyes.
My eyes widened,
He looked back at me with wide eyes before regaining his stone cold expression.
"I'm sorry my name is Parker,can you take my order now?."
I shake my head to get the thought out of my head. He died 5 years ago,he's not alive.
I grab a cup and quickly write his name on it,
"I'm sorry about that you just looked really familiar,what can I get you?"
He gave me a weak smile,
"I would like a vanilla bean frappe with a cookie."
After I wrote down his order I look on his forehead and see a scar just like the one Nate had.
"That will be $4.40."
"Here you go I'll be over here."
I bite my lip and look down. It's got to be Nate it just has too.
"Sarah will you get this order I need some fresh air."
I have to tell Juliet.
Juliet's POV///
I pick out the final ring for the outfit.
I put it on her middle finger and back away.
I've came a long way in 5 years.
"Wow girl I'm lookin nice!"
She does one final spin before engulfing me into a hug,
"Your welcome Liza."
"You have to come with me! It will be so much fun my boyfriend can get you a date!"
Me on a red carpet? Puh-lease!
"Sorry Liza I can't I have big plans tonight,"
I feel my phone ringing in my pocket,"hold on I have to take this."
I check the caller ID. Isn't Emalyn supposed to be at work right now?
"Juliet he's alive!"
She sounded scared and happy at the same time if that was even possible.
"Who's alive? You need to calm down."
"Nate.He's alive and I saw-"
I felt my body go numb.
My phone falls from my grasp plummeting to the tile flooring below. My hands are shaking and I get that oh so familiar feeling in my chest. My heart starts burning and I struggle to take in air.
"Hey are you ok?" Liza asked with concern.
I've had to deal with this for the past five years I've learned how to deal with it.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little bit of heartburn."
"Ok well I have to go but call me if you need anything." She gave me one last squeeze and made her way towards the door.
I heard the clacking of her heels stop and she stood at the doorway,
"I know it's not just heartburn."
And then she was gone.

"And then she was gone

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