We all hide behind masks,it just takes takes the right person to see through it.
This is the Sequel to Weirdly Perfect if you don't understand then please go back and read it. The former name to this was Perfectly Imperfect, but I didn't li...
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Emalyns POV/// I took a deep breath and walked inside only to be met by a scorching hot liquid soaking my shirt. I screech at contact. I look up and meet a pair of beautiful blue eyes. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" The mysterious man exclaimed. I take a deep breath so I dont scream. Whatever he spilt on me was still burning. Its fine just watch where youre going next time, I say as I start to walk away. I feel him grab my arm causing me to stop in my tracks. I exaggerated sigh and turn to face the man once again. "What?" He let go of my arm with wide eyes. I guess that sounded meaner than I intended. "I just wanted to know if you wanted me to buy you a new shirt." He pointed at my shirt",Your shirt is kind of see through now." I look down and let out a squeak as I wrap my arms around my exposed body. He steps back with a smirk covering his beautiful face. I contemplate in my head I mean he did offer to buy me a new shirt, but its not like my shirt is ruined. My shift ended a few minutes ago and I have to meet up with Juliet in an hour, so letting a stranger buy me shirt wouldnt hurt right? "That would be nice,"I say with a weak smile. He walks ahead of me and opens the door. I walk out and compliment him",Such a gentleman." He laughs at this and hands me his jacket. I look at him confused. I guess he notices my expression because he rushes out",So no one will notice your little problem."I sheepishly smile as I look away from the mystery man that just soaked me with coffee. We walk down the street until we stop in front of a small boutique and he opens the door for me once more. I walk in and Im met with the strong scent of vanilla. I go straight to the clearance rack. I just met the man I dont want him to go bankrupt. I scan through it and find a nice blue flowy shirt that Juliet would defiantly approve of. I go to the counter and set it down. "Will that be all? "A girl will light blonde hair asks. "Yes it will unless you would like something else?" I turn and see the mystery man standing next to me. "No that will be all." I state with aggravation clearly evident in my response. The girl-whose name I figured out was Brianna-smiled once more and rang up the shirt, "That will be $5.99" I reach into purse and grab some money but a hand with a ten-dollar bill caught my attention. I look to see that the hand is attached to the mystery man that had a wide smile on his handsome face. I cant possibly let you pay for this, because Im the one at fault. I sigh at his words and take my hand from my purse. He doesnt seem like the types to give up easily. Im broken out of my thoughts by a sheer fabric being placed in my hands, Go change. I go to the dressing room and strip from my coffee stained shirt and slip on the soft sheer fabric. I look in the mirror and twirl as the fabric flows gently across my body. After being a cheerleader all my life I have a pretty nice body but I havent been to the gym in weeks. I hear my phone ding as I get a text from Cara. I check the time and I mentally scream as I rush out of the dressing room. Im late for the cake tasting. I stop in front of the mysterious man, Thank you for buying me a new shirt but I really have to go, and by the way my names Emalyn just in case we ever met again. He smiles, "Your welcome and Nice to meet you Emalyn, my names Marcus in case we meet again. I smile at the nice gesture." "Yeah I hope I see you again." And with that I leave the store.