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Happy New Year's!!!!!

Marcus's POV///My plan's working

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Marcus's POV///
My plan's working. I knew she would fall for it. Just because Nate's out of the picture doesn't mean that I am. Juliet needs to know what Nate is actually like, a cold-blooded killer. This girl thinks I actually like her, sure she's beautiful but oh so gullible. I'm only doing this to get close to Juliet. She is so blind to think that he wasn't trouble. She was just an angst ruled teenager drunk on the idea of love. Nate's coming back and it won't be pretty. He's back to his old ways and that's a scary sight to see. When he left Juliet the first time all he did was mope around and sleep. Now he's a cold-blooded, a monster, like he was in the good ole days. Too bad Juliet is in our territory. She might end up dead if he finds her. He's had anger issues lately. If you say the wrong thing, then your either tortured or dead. I've been watching her and she seems like she's gotten over him. Nate was initially supposed to track down Juliet because her dad owes us money and he hasn't paid us back, but the idiot had to fall in love with her. He tried to keep her hidden from me but he has a tracking device on him that everyone in the gang has. I'm here to make Juliet pay, one way or another. I feel a presence next to me. I turn and see Nate standing there alive and well, you thought I killed didn't you? I would kill my best friend. We faked his death because I gave him a choice. Come back with me or I'll kill her. He chose to come back, I knew he wouldn't come back randomly and just leave out of nowhere again because he didn't want to hurt her 'feelings' again. I don't give to shats about her little feelings, all I want is my best friend and go to man back.

"How was your date?" He smugly crossed his arms. Ah yes the cocky Nathaniel, I think this is the only part about this side of him that I hate because it gets annoying. I copied his actions and leaned against my desk. "It went well. This girl is really stupid. She thinks I actually like her." I laugh.

"Don't jinx yourself or one day I'll be telling you I told you so when you see her walk down that isle."

I personally hated the sappy side of him.

"Like that would happen," I scoff," I don't 'date' and I certainly don't marry."

"Ok sure." He rolled his eyes and walked out. He's the only one that can get away with stuff like that.

I walk back over to my desk and sit down and intertwine my hands.

"I'm not going to fall for her."

Nate's POV///
I really hope he falls for her so he will stop acting like a stick got shoved up his butt all the time. I miss Juliet so much but she has to think I'm dead, if she finds out I'm not then she'll hate me to faking my death. I walk along the park and pull my hood up. It's unusually chilly for an October afternoon. I see a girl running towards me in the distance I pull out my shades to cover my face. I can't risk someone seeing me. The girl runs by and I hear music playing as she passes by. She was listening to my favorite song, Talk me down by Troye Sivan. Yes, I know, you would expect me to like rap and rock but I personally like slow music that has a message not people talking about sex. I keep walking and set on a bench and a girl comes to sit next to me. I look over at her and she has tears in her eyes. She looks really sad.

"Are you ok?" I'm not completely heartless.

She looks over at me and sniffles. Gosh she's beautiful.

Her sea blue- green eyes were red and puffy from crying. The tears made her blue orbs look like sapphires. So sad but so Beautiful.

"I-I been going through a lot lately." She sniffled as she wiped her teary eyes.

"I know you don't know me but I've learned that talking about it will make you feel better if you talk about it." She sighed.

"I'm in love with my best friend and I met his girlfriend today. I just don't understand. I'm always there for him. I know every little detail about him but he chooses a girl that he's known for 3 months. I've spent the last 6 years of my life trying to make him happy and all I get is a broken heart. At least he's happy and that's all that matters. Right?" She asks as she wipes her eyes once more.

"You shouldn't make yourself miserable just to make him happy. I've learned that the hard way. That gets you nowhere in life. You'll end up alone with a broken heart and a tear stained pillow case. Don't light other people's flame just to have yours burn out. You should tell him how you feel. Don't rush anything, only time will tell." She sniffled once more and nodded. She suddenly wrapped her around me.

"Thank you for listening." I hugged her back.

"It's no problem. I know what it feels like."

She smiled and stuck her hand out," I'm Grace."

I smiled back," I'm Parker."

She smiled once more then left me sitting on a park bench rethinking my past decisions.

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