We all hide behind masks,it just takes takes the right person to see through it.
This is the Sequel to Weirdly Perfect if you don't understand then please go back and read it. The former name to this was Perfectly Imperfect, but I didn't li...
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Julietta's POV/// "I'm ten minutes late, come lady move already!" I yell as I pound my fist against the steering wheel in aggravation. Liza recommended this guy to me and I was supposed to be at his house ten minutes ago. The obnoxious woman finally moves and I follow the directions to his house. When I pulled up to the curb I parked and got out. This place is beautiful. I make my way to the lobby and I feel really underdressed. This place is beautiful, how can he afford to live here?
Ok Juliet, you need to go to room 469 before you drool all over the place.
I somehow find my way to the elevator and cautiously step in. I've always had a fear of elevators but this is the quickest way to go up four floors. I back into the corner of the elevator and hold onto the rails as the elevator dings at each floor. I feel my heartbeat quickening and I start to hyperventilate. I look at the screen that shows the floors and notice I only have one more floor. I take in a shaky breath and close my eyes. I hear the elevator ding one last time and I get off the death trap. I walk along the hall and quickly find the room. I knock on the door and step backwards. A few moments later a girl in a very short skirt answered the door. She looks me up and down and laughs. Well that was rude. You don't see me laughing at how the color of that lip stick makes it look like you just got done eating powdered donuts. The witch standing in front of me moved out of the way, gesturing me to come in. I fake smile and step into his apartment, or should I say penthouse. This place is huge. I was shook out of my daze by a horrible screeching noise. I quickly covered my ears.
"Mr. Kingsley! Someone is here for you." I uncovered my ears and noticed a very attractive man standing in the doorway. He had soft looking brown hair and russet brown eyes. He had perfectly tan skin and bulging muscles, his tight shirt wasn't leaving much to the imagination. I looked up and saw a smirk on his plump pink lips. I felt my face heat up and I look down.
"Ok McKenzie you can leave now." I wonder if she would melt if I poured water on her.
We stood in silence after the witch left. I felt his eyes burning holes in my head. I grab the small pearl on my necklace and tighten the knots out of habit. He approached me and stuck his hand out.
"Let me formally introduce myself," He grabbed my hand," Cameron Kingsley but you can call me Cam."
I smiled and awkwardly shook his hand.
"Julietta but you can call me Juliet." I feel a warmness travel up my arm and all I could think was,
Not again.
Cameron's POV/// I was in my office trying to finish some papers when I heard McKenzie's horrid voice ring in my ears. I really need to get a new assistant. I sigh in defeat and make my way to the living room. I stop and lean against the door frame and see the girl Liza recommended. She looked young, like she would be fresh out of college. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful but she might not even be legal and I don't want to be a pedophile. I see McKenzie desperately trying to make her skirt go up higher and she wasn't being very discreet.
"McKenzie, you can go now." I've had enough of her attempts for today.
McKenzie scowls at the young girl then exists. Poor girl, I hope McKenzie doesn't cause her any trouble. I walk closer to the young girl and put my hand out.
"I'm Cameron Kingsley, but you can call me Cam," I smile.
"Juliet." I laugh. She ruffles her eyebrows in confusion and it was adorable.
"I'm sorry for laughing it's just that my middle name is Romeo." I say letting out a nervous laugh.
Her small pink lips curved into the shape of an 'O' and a look of realization flooded her features.
"That is kinda ironic." Her accent sounds really familiar but I just can't remember.
I walk to the counter and pick up my keys, dangling them in front of me.
"Let's get started." I see her smile and adjust the strap on her purse. I walk ahead of her and open the door. She bows and giggles," Thank you kind sir." We make our way to the elevator and go down stairs.
The receptionist waves goodbye to us and opens the door. I walk down the sidewalk and find my car. Juliet stood there in awe of my car.
"This is your car?"
This car isn't expensive, so why would she be in awe of it? I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her to the car. I open the door and she gets in. I run around the front of my car and get in. I look over at Juliet and see that she had a notebook out.
"Why do you have a notebook?" I thought we were just going to wing it.
"I wrote down some stores that we need to go to."
I pull up at the first shop and we are greeted by a girl most likely my age.
"Hi, how can I help you?" The girl said not taking her eyes off of me. I see Juliet stifle a laugh and put away her notebook.
"Wow Skye, I feel so loved!" Juliet joked while putting her hand on her heart. The girl looked over at Juliet and rolled her eyes.
"Sorry JuJu but it's not every day that a hot guy walks into the shop, its usually just grumpy old fat men with no hair and double chins as big as their bank accounts." Skye argued.
Juliet laughed and shook her head, causing her long chocolate locks to sway and fall perfectly on her shoulders. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked down to see Juliet with a look of concern on her face.
"Cameron, you okay? You zoned out for a bit." I zoned out? Please tell me I didn't say anything.
"Sorry, you were saying?" I coughed out making my voice sound raspy.
She smiled and grabbed my arm, leading me to the back of the store where the tuxes were. She hastily let go of my arm and went searching through the several racks on suits and tuxes. I picked up a velvet jacket, only to have it yanked away from my grasp. I sigh in defeat and sit down on one of the many chairs placed randomly around the back room. I pull out my phone as I sit on the uncomfortable chair. Man, you would think that a store like this would have enough money to buy more comfortable chairs. I open the camera app on my phone and snap a picture of Juliet shopping. She even looks beautiful caught off guard. I post it on Instagram and my phone is instantly flooded with notifications. I frown knowing how I'll never get to make this perfect girl mine. Author's Note// This Chapter is dedicated to Cross Duvall, even though I didn't know you that well your death will forever impact my life and the lives of our fellow classmates. Fly high Bad Boy 🙏🏻 -Jess💜