It's the Holiday Season

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-Annabelle's POV-

The team and their significant others would be coming by tonight for the Blackhawks Christmas party. Pajamas were required and food was optional. I wake up early and decide to write a little to release some ideas. It's crazy to think that at the beginning of the year this team couldn't kill a penalty or find a way to win, and now they sit atop the league in points. Through the injuries and goals taken away, they keep winning. It's been great to have Jonny back, plus this means his complaining to me can cease. I loved having him around but damn, he really missed playing. He handled it better than the guy who missed a game for the first time in literally 100 years and didn't know what to do with himself. Poor Seabs probably was giving his son Carter potty training pep talks or something. My job is unique in the way I get to interact with the players. I tend to the human nature side of them, the emotional side if you will. And while they are these big bad boys who are tough and will fight anything moving on the ice, there's a reason why they love the game. It's hard to watch your team compete without you, especially the leaders you see in Jonny an Seabs. But they can finally play again and Crow should be ready before Christmas. Until then I decide to write the events that has happened lately and the physiological part of it. As I type away on my computer I see my brother stroll out of his bedroom with a bright smile. It was like 7 am... He's never up this early.

"Hey buddy, why are you up so early" I ask never taking my eyes off the screen. I was in the zone.

"The hospital called" he informs me and I slowly close my laptop.

"And...." I trail off. I could really use a Christmas miracle right now.

"And I'm in remission, I can go home and finish up treatment there after the holidays" he informs me.

I let out a squeal and jump into my arms as he spun me around. Besides Artemi my brother is the only person I ever let in. He was everything to me growing up as a wide eyed little girl in Chicago and hearing that he was all I ever needed this holiday season. "Oh my god Ty this is amazing" I whisper choking back tears. I hated crying in front of people but this meant the world to me. All I wanted for Christmas was for my brother to be okay again, and he would be.

"I'm gonna go call mom and dad" he says and I wipe a tear. "Hey now, don't bring out the water works. We never doubted we wouldn't kick ass" he tells me and I nod.

"I know, I'm just really happy" I say and he grows a smile.

"I love you sissy" he says pulling me into a hug.

"I love you too bubby" I mumble into his shirt. He head off into his room and I let out a big sigh. Man I'm going to miss him.

I start making food for the party tonight and enjoy some peace and quiet. Even when Artemi fully moves in I'll can still have my me time. I set out chips and dip and cookies that Artemi and I made the other day. I make some turkey and ham and pop that in the over to cook all day. Artemi joins me later and we make the mashed potatoes and gravy and cranberry sauce.

"You're being really quiet" he comments and I freeze. I wanted Tyler to tell him the good news but I also suck at keeping things to myself. Luckily for me Tyler emerges from his room and I jump for Joy.

"Tyler! Don't you want to tell Artemi the good news" I ask pushing him towards my boyfriend.

"Yeah... would you stop pushing me? And why are you so strong" he asks with a laugh. I give him a shrug because I don't really know why, I just was.

"I got the call this morning that I'm in remission and can go home after the holidays" he says and Artemi lights up.

"Wow... That's awesome. So glad to hear that" he says pulling him into a hug.

The Boy, The Girl, and The Game (Artemi Panarin)Where stories live. Discover now