Walter Payton

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-Artemis POV-

"Can I ask you a question" I say while getting comfortable on the couch. Annabelle was locked in my arms reading a book about who knows what.

"Anything" she says pushing her glasses back to her face. God she looks hot in glasses.

"Your family... are you guys always so rude to each other but okay with it" I wonder. She laughs a little until she realizes I was being serious.

"We're not being mean Artemi. We just know we're not perfect. We all have our flaws and we can either deny them and suffer or accept them and prosper. We push each other to get out the best. I guess we just understand each other well enough to push buttons without crossing the line" she shrugs. I nod and continue to stare at the TV screen while she reads. Her phone goes off and she excuses herself into the hallway to answer.

I take this as a opportunity to look around and really study the place. You would think she would get lost in all this space but she keeps herself busy. This place was much nicer than mine and I made over 2 million dollars in bonus' last year. I look around her wall of Chicago sports history and the Walter Payton jersey is something that caught my eye. I don't know a lot about American football, but I would be stupid to live in Chicago and not know of him. There was newspaper clippings of historical events in sports in Chicago up in frames surrounding the window with the perfect view. Of course the Blackhawks filled a nice part of the wall because of their recent success. I make my way down the wall reading everything I could. And she says my view was good. You could see the Pier and the lake from here. The whole city was at the reach of her fingertip.

I venture back to the wall and study everything again. "That's my favorite thing" she says appearing beside me pointing to the jersey.

"Were you even alive when he played" I ask.

"No. but I know what he's done. For the game, for Chicago, for people everywhere. He was not only a great player but a great person. Take away all the records and the super bowl ring and you're left with a amazing guy. He died because he refused to let his status give him an advantage over other people. That's real sacrifice. I've watched so many videos of him playing, he was untouchable. No one ran like him, but he was on a team of superstars and he never took all the credit" she comments.

"He sounds amazing. I would have killed to meet a man like that" I say shaking my head. Most of the great ones are great because they're gone. Doesn't make much sense.

"I can see you being like him. Not the whole dying thing. But the way you move on the ice resembles how he moved about the field. Defenders are clueless about how to contain you much like they did with him. You know your place on the team and just want to be the best you can possibly be" she says looking in my eyes.

"You really think so? Those are big shoes to fill" I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Of course. The future will remain unwritten until it becomes the present. That's where you come in, pencil to paper, and write your history. The only person who could stop you is you" she responds. I nod and follow her back to the couch.

"Who was on the phone" I ask curiously.

"Oh yeah, that was my publisher. He said my book release is in a week at the UC" she says pretty calm. I figured she would be so excited and freaking out.

"Aren't you happy" I ask a little confused.

"Of course I am. But I'm far from done. You don't rush the ice after a first period goal do you? This is just the beginning" she insists.

I ask some more questions about her book and she tells me everything I need to know. It still amazes me that she is so freaking intelligent. After a while I go home and prepare for practice the next morning. Who knows what will happens at practice, it's always something crazy.

The next day I get to morning skate and just enjoy the fact that hockey is back. The Canadians and Hossa will finally join us on the ice and I will be with Jon and Big Hoss.

"Aren't you going to miss me" Patrick chirps.

"Yeah, about as much as I'll miss a butt rash" I comment and hear a few snickers. Annabelle walks up and gives me a kiss on my cheek while I laced up my skates.

"Anna! I've missed you" Patrick says giving her a hug. I know he was with Amanda but I still hated how he was always hitting on her.

"I got you something" she smiles digging in her purse. She pulls out a jersey that said Bills and was signed by a bunch of the guys.

"No fucking way" he yells holding it up. Anna grows a smile and I do too, I couldn't imagine the strings she had to pull to get that but Patricks reaction was the only reward she wanted.

"Are you going to cry" Jonny chirps with a grin on his face.

"Maybe, holy shit Anna this is amazing thank you" he says hugging her again before running off to show everyone.

"Like giving candy to a baby" she smiles returning to me.

"I believe the saying is it's like taking candy from a baby" Jonny adds.

"Sure if you're an ass hole. But I believe in good deeds and making someone's day better. So I'm giving candy to a baby" she defends.

"God you're so sweet I feel like getting a cavity just talking to you" Jonny laughs and she just shrugs her shoulders.

"It's what I do" she laughs. I finish getting ready and she gives me one last kiss before I head to the ice. "Oh yeah, I have a captains meeting with Jonny after practice so I might be a while" she reminds me and I nod. It's go time.

The Boy, The Girl, and The Game (Artemi Panarin)Where stories live. Discover now