End of the Road

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It was upsetting to see the boys lose in four straight games in the playoffs. They won 50 games in the regular season and was the best team by far in the western conference. But it just wasn't there this year and they were swept in the first round by a eight seen Preds teams. It was heartbreaking and Artemi was really broken up about it. I was too honestly. This was a great group of guys I really thought could go far. But alas that's not how it goes down and our season ended quickly. Now all that's left is to say goodbye to some and see you next season to others. "I'm going to miss you guys" I admit as we all sit in the locker room not really sure what to do next. Everyone was cleaned out and interviews were done. Now it's up to us to see where life takes us. "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to solve my problems without you" Richard smiles giving me a playful wink. "I've known you for nearly a year... how did you solve problems without me before then" I laugh. "Let me tell ya... not very well" he laughs. "Well you have my number if you ever need anything" I assure him. I know my job is over but just because the season is over doesn't mean people no longer will need my help. I like to stay with the people I talk to in case something comes up or they just need a shoulder to lean on. "I really don't want to leave you guys" Scotty admits. I was almost certain he was going to go and it sucks. We talked about this at the winter classic and I was just hoping we could find a way to keep him, but it's just not logical to do so. He was from Chicago and the Blackhawks will always be his team. But he deserves a number one spot and the only way he will get it is if he goes elsewhere. "Scotty, I want you to know that it's been great playing with you. It was great knowing that whoever was in net was going to give us a chance to win this year. We love you buddy" Jon says. Scott loved Jon, I mean he loved Crow the most, but he loved Jon too. And even though they're teammates Scott looks up to Jonathan and respects what he had done. That's why it is so hard for us to say goodbye right now. "Is it October yet" Seabs asks and we all laugh. "Says the guy who's about to have another baby. There's going to be tons among babies running around this team to keep everyone preoccupied until October" I laugh. Nik just had his kid, Sean's is about to, by the time Corey comes back he will have his first one, and I'm sure there are more around here. "You're next" Patrick teases and I send him a glare. "You're soooo funny" I laugh and he nods his head pretty proud of himself. Patrick might be a handful, but there is no one in this game I respected more. His mind was great, a little scattered at times, but put him on the ice and it's showtime. "What are you planning to do for the summer" I ask Anisimov a she sits in his locker next to me. I'm probably going to miss him and his family most. "I'm going home, I'm going to heal up and come back stronger" he shrugs, he's a lot like Artemi. Maybe that's why I feel so connected to him. "I'm gonna miss you and your kids. Who am I supposed to play with" I tease. "Hopefully someone your own age" he jokes and I playfully hit him on the chest. "I'm kidding. You know I love you. Take care of the curly haired one will ya" he asks pulling me in for a hug. "I don't really have a choice now do I" I joke back and he laughs. "I guess not. But he's in good hands. You guys have fun this summer and keep in touch" he says letting me go.

After saying goodbye to everyone Art and I head to the apartment. So many memories from this season and almost all of them are good. It was hard seeing my brother go through chemo but he brightened this place and I missed him so. As for Artemi and I, we were going to pack up for Germany for the worlds hockey tournament. Artemi was selected to come play and I was really excited, he always loves to represent Russia and I'm happy he chose to play. "Are you sure it's okay we don't have a honeymoon? I actually feel really bad" he sighs. We were going to go back to Russia and backpack and a bunch of other cool things for our honeymoon once hockey season was done, but I know that opportunity is always there for us. This one isn't. "Of course baby. Artemi I don't need all that extra stuff. As long as I have you I don't care where we go. I love watching you do what you love and being along side you all the way. We could be traveling the world or staying at home, I don't care. I honestly can't wait to go to Germany and watch you play" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands grab my waist pulling my body to his as her rubs my back. "How did I get so lucky to have such an amazing wife" he smiles. "I don't know you're pretty cute" I tease. "And..." he trails off. "And you're super funny" I admit. "And..." he trails off again. "And if you keep this up you'll be single" I threaten and he throws his head back as he laughs. "Alright, let's finish packing" he encourages. I pack up and bunch of cloths and let out a sigh once I finished. It's been a long few months, but the best months of my life. From releasing my first book to getting married to writing my second book. It's been some kind of crazy dream I've been living in. It's nice to know that I get to share all these fun things with the man I love most.

As I stand there pondering my thoughts Artemi tackles me onto the bed as we roll around. Puck jumps up and joins in the fun. I roll over and look up as Artemi hovers over me. That smile that he wears so nicely spread acrossed his face as he moves a piece of hair out of my face. "Hey Belle, guess what" he asks. "What" I wonder. "I love you" he smiles. "Come here" I tease and I press his lips to mine. I close my eyes and I see our future together, making people happy and kicking some ass. We have kids and they all love to give back as much as we do. There's no one in this world I would rather wake up to every morning or be the last person I see every night. While there are a lot of great people out there, there's no one quite like him. Through thick and think it's me and him, and that will never change.

The Boy, The Girl, and The Game (Artemi Panarin)Where stories live. Discover now