WT3| "Pick Ya Poison"

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to my independent ladies
c h a p t e r s i x t e en
who ya gonna kill?

Taylor had spoke to China just to make sure she was good. China sent her her location just in case something popped off. Taylor let her know that she was stopping back at the house to pick stuff up, which is where she was.

Her echo could be heard in the empty house as she sat all the keys down. The only key she needed now was the little silver one for Roman's house. She walked upstairs slowly, grabbing stuff off hangers and out of the drawer. Thinking of what was making her move out pissed her off.

You're not a weak bitch anymore, Taylor. She told herself before she stopped packing. She took her shoes off and looked around the room. She nodded to herself. "Okay, Wyn. That's how you gonna do me? Watch this."

Lamps, mirrors, dishes, his television, his game system- broken and shattered over the floor. She tore his clothes, fucked up his shoes and jewelry. She took some lipstick wrote on his walls "Fuck you cheating ass bitch" and "pussy" on majority of the walls she could reach. She emptied out of the cereal and boxed foods onto the floor before packing her bags quickly.

After calming down, she took a picture of her art to keep in her phone then she sent it to him.


She looked in the direction seeing his black iPhone 7 on the table in the living room. She walked towards it. This was a possession he never left her alone with and now she was about to find out why. She unlocked his phone with the code similar to all his safes. She went through all his texts and social media.

"What about those pictures..." she trailed off as she clicked the Photos app.

As she scrolled down, she noticed something particular. She clicked the video and loud moaning erupted from the phone. She looked down at it, her heart sinking to her stomach.


She slammed the phone into the glass table making them both shatter. She nodded to herself. "That's what we do?"

She walked to the bathroom and put the stopper in the sink and tub before turning the water on, threw a toilet paper in the toilet and repeatedly flushed it before going downstairs and doing the same to the kitchen sink. She grabbed her suitcases and left out, closing the door.

She exhaled, tears falling down her cheeks as she looked to his two other idle cars.


Glynn pulled herself up the pole, making it clap. Her body rotating around it as she teased the guy sitting in front of her. He was throwing dollars at her, she wanted some big bills. She hit a split and made it bounce.

She turned to him before taking her bralet off, letting her breasts fall free. He smiled, licking his lips. "All this only worth a few dollars, huh?" She asked before crawling onto his lap.

He smiled, grabbing a handful of ass. He shook his head. "Way more, baby, way more."

"Then give me all you fucking money." She whispered, her friend aiming a gun straight at his scalp. His eyes got wide. "Don't cause a scene, just do what you say and you can go back to ya wife."

He looked down at his wedding ring before nodding quickly. He pulled his wallet out, showing the wad of cash he had stuffed there.

"Good job." She said, taking all of the money, leaving his cards. "Now get the fuck outta here and don't turn back until you out the door. And I saw your address on your ID, if you tell the cops, I'm sending goons to your spot."

He nodded again. She got off him and watched him scurry out. It wasn't hard to scare old white men, they didn't know a big ass bluff when it was being presented. Glynn was definitely lying her ass off, appearing as a thug with a gun with no bullets.

She picked up the money before heading out as well, hiding the gun back where it was under the seat. She walked to the locker room, her top still off as she counted the bread. Time for mama to go. She thought as she grabbed her bag and stuffed all her money inside. Once she was done, she put her regular clothes on and left out for night, saying bye to everyone.

She had to catch a taxi home because her license was suspended but at least she had a home to go to.

She opened her door and all the lights were out. When she turned them on, a man was sitting on the couch holding son's mouth as he tried to scream through his hands. He had a gun pointed to his head as he smiled at Glynn.

"Where's Taylor?"


Wyn pulled up to his house, Kayo in the passenger seat, and he immediately was pissed off. Kayo was cracking up finding it mighty funny though. Wyn jumped out the car, looking at his other cars. "Pussy" and "Cheater" was keyed on the side of both cars, all the windows busted out and the wheels popped. He was starting to see red as he hurried in the house.

As soon as he went in, he slipped and fell. The floor was soaked almost wall to wall. Glass and food, floating around. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear moaning. When he looked, he saw his phone upside down on the floor surrounded by glass.

When he turned it around, the screen was cracked but he knew the video was of him and Glynn.

He covered his face. It's over.

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