WT3| "Knowing Your Worth"

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c h a p t e r e i g h t
the heart gets
what the heart wants

Reiya walked down the street with her hands in her pocket, China and Chase in tow as they walked to the nearest drugstore in walking distance since Torei took the car. Everyone was quiet due to the awkwardness of the situation. When they got to the store they split up into the aisles to look for the same thing.

"Found it." Rei said loud enough for the two to hear in the opposite aisles once she was in front of the sticks.

The plan was to try the test one more time and if it was the same they were going straight to the Planned Parenthood to get an abortion. It was true that Torei would kick China out if she was pregnant and they just couldn't take that chance.

China and Chase followed her to her aisle before glancing over all of the pregnancy tests. "Which one?" Chase asked.

Rei shrugged and looked at China. China grabbed one before walking away, the other two following before going to the counter. They showed the man the box then slid him the money.

"Keep the change." Rei said before walking out, following the others back towards the house.

"I don't wanna do it there. What if she finds the test?" China asked, stopping in her tracks.

Reiya tried to think quick before looking in the alleyway behind the store. China frowned but walked towards it anyway.

Roman listened to the women ooh and ahh over him more than they did the actual painting, commenting about how good he looked sweaty and messy. Roman could never understand stuck up ass bitches. He wondered if they knew he used to be a street rat would they still compliment him. "Street rat" triggered a memory of Taylor causing him to slow down his work, pulling a smile on his face. He played in the paint he was mixing with his paint brush. He remembered her being into deep shit, he wondered if she would like this. He looked up at the art.

Two abstract women holding one diamond with the words "A Girl's Best Friend" encrusted in the diamond.

"Good morning, ladies." A voice could be heard behind him, where the two women were. The voice had to belong to the owner of the store who had her assistant set this up.

"Good morning, Ms. Price." They said basically in unison. Heels he hadn't heard before could be heard coming his way. He turned around to see who they belonged to, when he saw Taylor standing there in a tight emerald green dress, he couldn't hold his smile and neither could she.

"Taylor." He said.

"Roman." She replied before walking away, still holding that smile. "Nice job."

"You gotta compliment from so far?" He yelled out to her but she didn't reply, she just kept walking. He chuckled to himself before continuing to paint.

"Just pee." Reiya groaned as they watched China squat behind a garbage can. She was complaining about how bad it stunk and she agrees but the faster she did this, the faster they could go.

A liquid hitting the ground could be heard and then China groaned. "Eww, it got on my hand."

Rei tilted her head back, smacking her lips. Chase handed her baby wipes over the trash can as China held the white stick up. Rei grabbed it and shook it off and China cleaned up.

Rei paced around as China got her clothes right. "How long does it take?" Chase asked. Rei shrugged. She had never done this before.

"Like five minutes." China said before getting away from the garbage. "Then we can go."

Rei and Chase nodded, looking at the stick for answers.

Believe Me by Drake was blasting through Wyn's house as he played the game with Kayo. They hadn't discussed the night before yet but Wyn had been trying to figure out how to ease that in all of their conversations thus far.

The maid was cleaning up as Kayo took another ass whooping. Wyn looked at him before laughing loudly.

"Ahh!" He yelled through his laugh as he stuck his tongue out. Kayo smacked his lips before getting up and walking into the kitchen where the maid was washing dishes.

"You bad luck, Carla." He told her as he got a glass out and ran the cold water.

"You bad at game." She said in her broken English causing Wyn to laugh again

"That's why she gets paid extra." Wyn announced while cracking up. Kayo smacked his lips.

"You paying her extra because she wants you to fuck her." He said under his lips, making Carla drop a dish. Kayo looked before putting his glass under the water to fill his cup. "Be careful, ma. If Taylor sees that shit she'll get on ya ass."

The maid glared at him and he smiled before walking away, patting her on the back. "So you want another ass whooping or what?" Wyn asked as Kayo sipped on the water.

Kayo shook his head. "Nah, I gotta check on one of the clubs so I gotta get ready for that."

"Nigga that ain't til later tonight." Wyn said after smacking his lips.

"I also don't wanna be here when Taylor gets off work and I know if I keep rematching ya ass I'll be here all day." Kayo said taking another sip. Wyn was quiet for a while.

"I wanted to talk to you about that too." Wyn said placing the PlayStation controller down.

"Shoot." Kayo said, gulping the water down even though he already knew this talk was coming.

"I wanna shoot you." Wyn said, annoyed. "Why do you tell Taylor every single thing like she's ya girl or something?"

Kayo rolled his eyes. "Because she's yours, my nigga. If she has to call me to get honest answers that's fucked up as is. I'm not gonna lie to her because as you're implying, that's not my girl to lie to. You give her my number and don't even put me hip to the lie, that's your fault. You put yourself in that." He said with a shrug.

Wyn gave him a look that showed he was annoyed even more. "An 'I don't know' can go a long fucking way nigga." He said before sitting back.

"I don't even see why you're trying to cause an argument about it because I'm not doing it with you, dawg." Kayo shrugged. "Stop lying to her. All that's gonna do is build up bullshit and you're gonna get caught up and lose her."

Wyn smacked his lips. "Whatever."

"I'm serious." Kayo told him. "That's real shit."

"Are you serious? Is this real shit right now?" China asked over and over. The other two girls watched her break down as she looked at the results.

She was pregnant.

"You know what we gotta do." Chase said, Rei beside her nodding. China frowned before looking down at the ground and noddin too.

"I know." She said, holding her stomach.

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