Chapter 1: going home

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Alexandra's p.o.v

I walked out of my room to the sounds of excited screams! I run down stairs and scream " WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON". Jenna and jacki says really excited and loud "WE ARE GOING HOME TO BRADFORD ARENT YOU HAPPY"! I scream of course I am but how did y'all find out they both say " Braxton sent us a messages". Jenna says " well we better get packed and get ready to go ". We all run to our run to our rooms.

Jenna's p.o.v

"I can't believe we are going home" I kept saying to myself. As I packed up my stuff I realized I will miss being in Los Angeles. As all of us put our stuff by the door we take a minute to remember all of the memories. Braxton pulls up in the car that we rented. We all grab our stuff and got in the car.

Braxton's p.o.v

As the girls got into the car, I handed them snacks. We all rocked out to the sound of guns an' roses. We finally got on the jet on the jet and put our bag away.

Jackie's p.o.v

I see the inside of Connor and Braxton's jet which is awesome. I see there is stuff to eat and drink on both sides. I say to Connor and Braxton really loudly that it is awesome jet as Connor gets the plane off the ground. Braxton says "thank you"!

Jenna's p.o.v

Braxton and I sit on the right side and the others sat on the left side of the jet. Me and Braxton sit down and then tell everyone that we are going to rest for a bit. Later on me and Braxton started looking at a magazine of guns'n'roses band and then eventually passed out. 5 minutes later we wake up to the sound of the motor making weird noises.

Jackie's p.o.v

I was sitting hear in peace reading my book and then hear weird noises coming from the front. And I thought to myself maybe it's just jet lag it ok. And then we all hear over the intercom buckle your seat belts we are going down, and going down fast. We all started screaming at him saying we don't got seat belts. As we were going down I saw Braxton and Jenna hit there head really hard and pass out. And then all of the sudden the plane hit the ground really hard. I tried to pull myself up but I was hurting a bit so I just quit trying and started looking around, I noticed that Alexandra was trying to get my attention so I asked her what she needed. She pointed at Braxton and Jenna when I looked at them they were passed out and the seat that were in front of them were now on them. I see that Braxton's husband started coming up to us and helping us get out of the plane and outside.

Alexandra's p.o.v

I get Connors attention and then he helped me out of the plane. I saw him start looking around and then he looked at me and then asked "do you know where Braxton and Jenna are" I said they are still in the plane but careful the seats are on top of them I'll come help you. And then he told me that I couldn't come back in that I am staying out if the plane.

Connors p.o.v

I started freaking out because Jenna told me they were still on the plane and that the seats were on top of them. I ran back in and then ran over to them and started lifting the seats of of them, then I grabbed Jenna and threw her over my shoulder and carried her out and laid down on the ground. I ran back in and walked over to Braxton and threw her over my shoulder and started heading for the exit.

Alexandra p.o.v

I saw Connor carry Jenna out and lay her down and go back in. I started worrying about Braxton and Connor because it has been a while since he went back in. Then I look over and I saw a few people come running over to us from the road. And I started screaming call 911 they ran over to us and started helping us. Later on after that I saw the ambulance pull up and then Connor came out with Braxton. I say loudly and joking "what took you so long slow poke", he said " I had to get through some obstacles" I laughed and started talking to the guy that was helping me and telling him what happened and what we were doing.

Braxton's p.o.v

I woke up in the hospital to the doctor talking to me and then I heard him say "you have an fractured foot bone, a broke wrist and thumb, and a head concussion" " and your friend Jenna has a concussion and a broken knee and your other friend Alexandra has a broken leg and arm" and the 3 other people drew has a scraped knee,your husband has a little cut, and I'm sorry for your loss but your friend katie and Riley Jacobs have died I'm sorry". I started crying and then saw Connor walk in he walks over to my bed and kisses me on my forehead.

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