Chapter 17

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Wanted to make it up to you guys so here is a much longer chapter. Nathan-centric. Sorry for the mistakes.


Nathan was at his job,working late on a new song for an upcoming artist when he realized that his phone was on silent. When he checked it he saw 20 miss calls and 5 voice mails, all from Sarah. Curiously he checked one and ran to the his car.

"Nathan, its me. I'm going into labor!"

When he got to the hospital and asked for Sarah. He was frantically running around mumbling the delivery room number. 

"855, 855, 855" he said to himself and took the elevator to the 8th floor. As he rushed by, he saw family waiting in the waiting room for their new relative and realized that he didn't call anyone. So as he rushed to the delivery and before they told him to put on the scrub, he sent a text to Siva and Jay, who always checks their phones, and told them where the hospital is.

When he entered the room, he saw gloves and sterile things every where. And in the middle of it all was Sarah trying to do a breathing technique, when she noticed him, she motioned him over with a tilt of her head. 

"Nathan. Imma need you to stay at my side." Sarah said between deep breathes.

"Why?" he questioned patting her head, thinking it would calm her down. It just made her more annoyed.

"Do you want to see the baby come out of my fucking vagina and all the blood and- Aaahhh" Sarah said through another contraction.

'Sorry."Nathan said, very scared. "Do you want me to hold your hand?"Nathan tried to reason. Sarah glared at his hand but still took it and squeeze hard as the contractions were more frequent.

A doctor check how far she was dilated and told them that they were ready to push.

"On the count of three," a doctor said. " One, Two , three" and Sarah pushed which made Nathan's hand almost cracked. They both screamed.

"OK, I can see the head. About three more," the doctor encouraged and counted again. Sarah pushed continuously and both of them did scream, but stopped when they heard another scream join theirs.

"Its a girl," the doctor said, giving the screaming infant to a nurse to clean her. Nathan's eyes watered and looking at Sarah who fell asleep. He kissed her head and headed to a room, he arranged so he could spend some time with his daughter and where his friends would meet him. Throwing away his sterilized gear, when he arrived he was met with Siva, Jay, Max, Tom, Harry, Zayn and Louis. They all had gifts or a balloon. They all looked at him in anticipation.

"It's a girl," he said. Harry and Jay hugged him, while Tom discretely passed Siva some money. The rest told him congratulations. Jay and Siva stood by Nathan as his baby was wheeled into the room.

"The daughter of Nathan and Niall Skyran. I'm come by later with her birth certificate. She was born on January 4, 2014 at 9:00 on the dot weighing in at 6.5 pounds." Than the nurse walked away as Nathan tried to compose himself. Hesitantly, he tried to pick up his baby girl but turned to Siva and Jay.

"I can't. I might drop her. What if she screams-" Nathan rambled before Jay cut him off.

"Nath, you're going to be fine. After you pick her up, we'll leave for your time alone with your daughter."

"This is a suite, hospital room, you could just go through those door-" 

"Nathan" Siva said and Nathan turned around and slowly picked up his baby. She looked up at his with blue eyes and her light pink blanket and hat 

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