Chapter 28

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Thanks for the quick reads. Sorry for the mistakes. I tried.


"Breathe Harry," Jay coaxed as he drove quickly to the hospital. He was panicking because the last time he was in a car, it was during that car crash. Since than Jay has been taking taxis. Harry was doing his breathing exercises and cried as another contraction came.

"Why did we choose to live so far away?" Harry breathed out.

"'The kitchen had potential'." Jay mimicked. Harry glared at him, deep breathing. "Like 3 more minutes."

"Hurry Jay." The were moments of silence of Harry breathing and Jay over thinking. Once they finally arrived at the hospital, Jay quickly got a wheelchair for Harry. Jay finally got Harry into the wheel chair and was wheeling him into the hospital and asked for a nurse. The nurses were rushing and got Harry into a birthing room. Jay was separated from him and a nurse shoved him the blue sterilized outfit to him and showed him the door where Harry was breathing deeply. He changed and went through the door he was directed to and he saw sterilized equipment and in the middle of the rushing blue nurses and doctors, was Harry ,who was in white, with nurses holding his hands as the contractions came.

"Would you want to hold his hand?" a nurse called Jay, he slowly nodded and snapped out of his trance. Walking over there he saw Harry sweating and in pain.

"The contractions are becoming closer and closer together. He's ready to give birth," The other nurse holding his hand yelled. Jay wiped some sweat off of Harry's forehead and kissed his hand.

"You're doing great Harry, almost over," Jay tried to encourage him. Harry looked up and glared at Jay.

"You try having a baby- ahh" Harry cried as another one hit and especially squeeze Jay's hand very hard. Jay thought he heard some bones crack and had tears in his eyes." You twat." Harry yelled.  Jay just nodded and tried to keep his tears at bay.

"Okay you're ready to deliver," The doctor said, checking Harry's dilation. " On the count of three push, okay." Harry nodded.

"One, Two , Three." Harry pushed." I can see the head.  One Two Three" Harry continuously pushed until he heard a baby's cry. Harry looked up at Jay and had tears in his eyes.  The cry was taken away to be cleaned and weighed.


Harry was wheeled into a room after he was cleaned up too. Jay threw away the temporary and sat next to Harry's bed.

"Jay, we're parents," Harry whispered with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, Harry. We knew this when we found out," Harry shook his head.

"No I mean now its real. She's really here." And the door opened to a nurse with wheeling a portable carriage in.

"Here's Darcy Addison McStyles. Weighing at 5.6 pounds, at 5:06 on May 6th. 2014." She said," I I'll come back for her feeding." She picked Addison up and brought her into Harry's awaiting arms.

"She's beautiful," Harry whispered, marveling at her along with Jay.

"And she's all ours." Jay whispered back.


Perrie and Zayn woke up on the couch at around 7 am to the ringing of Zayn's phone. Groggily, Zayn reached for his phone and answered it.


"Hey Zayn," Jay said excitedly.

"What's up?" Zayn asked confused.

"Harry gave birth to Addison," Jay exclaimed.

"Oh that's great. When." And jay told Zayn about his first experience in the delivery room.

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