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Second update today, I write/type fast but not good. Anyway. I don't consider this a chapter more like  memories because that's all it really is, but call it what you want.



The remaining boys that were in the kitchen thought about their greatest memory with Siva. Nathan hung and  and brought his knees to his chest with Brooke asleep next to him, doing the same and wondering how different life would be without Siva: Zayn sat on the steps while the others sat on the chairs, -being heavily pregnant as they were -  trying to say comforting things to Zayn who ignored all of them. He was pissed Jay found out before him, but he was extremely sad that Siva was practically dying in front of his eyes and he didn't even notice.

Nathan's memory:

His most fond memory of Siva is in the beginning when they all were becoming friends. Everyone clicked instantly and as Niall was talking away to Liam at a house party, Nathan sat in a corner nursing his drink. He thought he didn't really fit in because, as usual, he was always self conscious of his face and insisted that he looked like a sloth. Siva came up to him and sat next to him, And Nathan could still vividly remember the conversation.

"Hey Nathan, is it?" Siva said, sitting next to him, holding a two year old Zayden in his arms. Nathan nodded self conscious (A/N: he was confident in the first chapter because he was extremely drunk).

"How come you're sitting all the way back here?" Siva asked.

"I don't really know anybody here.." he faded. 

"Well my name is Siva and this kid here is Zayden. He's very conceited, gets it from Zayn," Siva whispered which made Nathan laugh. At this time, he had just recently lost his baby and Zayden wasn't really helping. Zayden was set on the floor and stood in front of Nathan and raised his hands, signaling he wanted to be held. Nathan, reluctantly, picked him up as the child said random things such as yogurt and mirrors. He chuckled at the randomness.

"Seems you love children. You're a natural," Siva said, standing up and gesturing Nathan to do the same. " Come on, if you hold him, Zayn and Louis will come and bother you and you'll fit right in."

Nathan shook his head, "Why are you scared?" Siva asked.

"It's kinda embarrassing but my eyes are kinda far and it reminds people of a sloth." Siva stared at him and shrugged.

"What's wrong with being a sloth."

"They are very clingy and weird looking."

"Being clingy means you just care for that person like Zayden is now. He trusts everyone," Siva said gesturing to the child that hid his head in Nathan's neck. " And I'm like a giant. Nothing are cool about giants except for the bigger they are the harder they fall. The ground shakes and hurts everyone around them. But in the beginning of the story they are cool, but by the end, sloths or underdogs always come on top." Siva explained. Nathan smiled at the little speech.

"So you wanna come and hang with Tom Max Jay and me?" Nathan nodded and followed them. Zayden didn't let go for the rest of the day.

Now Nathan notices that Siva sits out of the conversation now instead of leading them but no one thinks twice about it as he over thinks his entire life. And how as the giant fell, everyone was affected, just like he said.

Niall's memory:

This had became a tradition on the first St. Patrick's Day, they had to spend in America. Their spouses weren't as enthusiastic as them, with their Irish colored outfits and the flag face painted on them. So they both met up and had an Irish lunch in an Irish bar. They started to talk about home and what they miss most about their native land. Tired of the sad talk, Siva and Niall got up on the table in the crowded bar and started to sing Bonnie.

My Bonnie lies over the ocean

My Bonnie lies over the sea

My Bonnie lies over the ocean

Oh bring back my Bonnie to me

The huge crowd soon started to join in their drunken state and , everyone spoke in the thick Irish accent. Hard for those who weren't Irish to understand. Now every year they go to the Dublin Bar on St. Patrick's Day just for the Irish. Only for them.

Niall snapped out of his day dream and than went outside and sat on the front steps looking at his phone for that night and their friends for the day. And as he looked at that most recent one, because March was the month before, he saw Siva didn't smile as big, or drink as much. In fact, he was barely in any picture. There was one of Niall and Siva where Siva seemed to be leaning on Niall.

Liam's Memory:

Siva come over to their house looking for max who had just left earlier, saying he'll be right back. Things were awkward at first but when Siva suggested they play soccer while waiting, it was an instant click. Liam showed off his professional moves as Siva showed him his signature play. That went on for about 1 and a half hours. After deciding it was enough, they headed inside and had a food fight, when they in reality tried to find something to eat. They watched a football game and talked about the players and yelled goal while eating chips from their hairs. When Max did come back he found both of them yelling goal at the tv with the house a mess.

It started to become an awkward moment, them looking at Max, until they started the food fight again, showering Max with soda and chips. The y than went in the pool outside and jumped in with all their clothes on, yelling and playing in the water like little children, until Zayn drove over and had to tell them Siva had a big meeting, which made Liam and Siva pout slightly that his friend was leaving, but the promise of tomorrow made him happy again.

As Liam watching Zayn slowly self destruct, the promise of tomorrow from Siva is like a far fetch wish, enjoying time today was all he wanted to do.


I'm doing 3 memories at a time because they are kinda long...

Tell me which one was your favorite and do you guys get the underlining message from each memory.

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