Chapter 38

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Dedicated to TW_1DGirl213


Louis was already at Zayn's house , when Tom got there to pick up the twins.

"When did you get here?" Tom said, practically walking in like it's his house. Louis was holding a pink car seat in his hand.

"Oh, we were just about to leave." Louis gestured to the blue car seat on the table. Zayn was sitting in the  couch subconsciously  rubbing his large stomach.

"Did you hear about Liam, zany?"

"He's in the hospital too?"

"He had his baby same day as Nathan's"

"Best friend till the end, I guess." Zayn muttered. "Louis told me about Nathan's premature birth. Where's Siva, anyway?"

"He went to escort Sarah out. Haven't heard from him, now that I think about it?" Tom said checking his phone for any messages from him.

"Here I am," He said walking though the front door, looking weak and tired.

"Where were you?" Louis asked, setting down Lily. Siva ran a hand though his hair and sighed.

"....Chemotherapy..." Than Siva coughed loudly and very violently, it wracking his whole body. Everyone flinched at it. "Where's Z?" Siva questioned.

"At my mother's, slept over last night." Zayn reminded him. Siva just nodded and excused himself to go to bed.

"Kind of painful to watch." Tom stated. Zayn nodded and than shrugged. not wanting to explain his emotions.

"What's Nathan's baby's name?"

"Um, Niall didn't give him a name and Nathan said nothing about it either." Tom said coming near the table and picking up the blue car seat. Zayn rubbed his head and sighed

"See you guys later. " Tom and Louis waved goodbye and buckled the children into the back seat. Tom drove Dylan home as Louis drove Lily home.


Bright and early the next morning there was a visitor sitting in the chair next to Nathan's bed. Nathan woke up and instantly recognized the presence and turned to face him.

"Jay. you didn't have to come back for little ol' me." Nathan joked.

"Nathan," Jay choke out, trying not to cry, looked up and down at his best friend's drained frame.

"Jay, don't pity me, I'm not the baby of the group. Harry is." Nathan tried to crack a smile, making his cracked lips bleed. He sucks  on his bottom lip so Jay would see him hurt more.

"What's the baby's name?" Jay managed to say a bit stronger.

"Noah James. That's what I thought of at least. No clue what Niall thought of."

"He put you in here, right?" Jay accused.

"He made me stress out, that's what happened. I just wanted to know how I would be without the pregnancy. would I still be with him? Moved on? Be with Sarah? I didn't know but I want to know. It seems selfish and I was worried about Niall the entire time I was gone. But I don't know what to do?" Nathan explained.

"I think you should take a while off. And find yourself. I'll pay for the long extended leave. Just rest, Nath."

"Might as well. My son isn't going to be released for about 2 months." Nathan said.Jay sniffled .


"Jay, I'm okay. I'm going to be okay. Okay ?" Jay nodded looking down. "Jay !" Nathan said louder, grapping his attention. "Okay !?"

"Okay..." Jay finally replied and huffed. "You know Liam gave birth yesterday too."

"That's good. " Nathan said, smiling at nothing. "I bet Max is happy, that he confirmed its his baby." The door opened, to a nurse walking into the room with a clipboard.

"Nathan Sykes, would you like to see your son?" Nathan looked up to Jay.

"Can he come?" the burse nodder and walked back out to bring in the wheel chair. She helped him in and Jay wheeled him, following the nurse into the infant intensive care unit. She opener and closed the door behind them.

"There he is," She pointed to the squirming infant. Jay wheelee Nathan up yo the container.

"He's really small. But next time you come I'll make sure you can hold him. Just put your hand through the hole." Nathan did as he was instructed and reached for his son's hand. The baby stopped squirming but turned and looked at his father with his brown eyes. His hand was a little bit bigger than his father's fingernail. His small body was connected to tubes and machines. Tears filled Nathan's eyes as he saw his son was half of half of his arm.

"He looks so fragile." Nathan whispered, a tear finally dropping and made to effort to wipe it away.

"When will he reach to a good weight." the nurse scratched her head and looked at the clip board.

"Some takes a couple months up to a year. Nothing is set in stone." the nurse looked up and gave Jay a sad smile.

"Can you give us a moment?" She nodded and left the room. Jay turned back to Nathan.

"I want to help him, like a father should, but how do I do that." Nathan tore his gaze from his son to Jay. Jay put his hand on Nathan's shoulder.

"Fixing the relationship with his other father is a step." Nathan narrowed his eyes at him. "Figure out the relationship I mean."

"That will help a lot." a voice said from the doorway. They turned and saw Niall standing there.

"Imma just ... leave." Jay awkwardly said and walked out the door, but without stubbing his toe. Nathan had to look away to stifle his laughter. Than an air of seriousness filled the room.

"Nathan," Niall started.

"I'll tell you when I leave the hospital." Nathan said retreating his hand from the plastic box. Niall sighed, but nodded.

"When will that be?"

"About 5 more days."

"What? 5 more days ?" Niall repeated, shocked.

"I can't leave now. I'm obviously not even well enough to walk." Nathan said gesturing his wheelchair. "And I have to think about it. I already have so much on my plate because of our newborn. It'll take months. He's so small." Nathan whispered the last part. His breathing became more labored. Niall walked over next to him and knelt in front of him a holding his hands.

"Nathan we both need to be strong for him and Brooke. It can be a couple of days. We need to know what we're doing. either your leaving me or staying with me. I need to know by tomorrow." Nathan nodded looking in his lap. Niall stood up and put his hand against the glass. He wasn't looking at his son for more than a few seconds before he left the room abruptly. The thought that he caused his son to be in this state made him physically sick.


Sorry I haven't been on recently. Track and school and maintaining a social life is hard. Tomorrow I have a meet so I will try to update again on Sunday.(Freshman on VARSITY!!! YAY!!!!)

No promises , sorry...

Spell check later

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