Chapter 5

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I hear a knock at the door.


Zoey walks into the house throwing her bookbag to the floor and closing the door with her back.

"Why didn't you show up to school today missy?" She storms over to me and sits down on the couch.

"Jackson told DJ that I was sick, so I didn't go to school, neither did he nor Max."

"Well you didn't miss anything, so many people came to school with hangovers it looked like Zombie high."

I laugh.

"So how'd you get home yesterday? Or did you drink so much you forgot? Let me guess your self conscious got the best of you, and you left the party as soon as I accidentally ditched you"

"One, we both know good and well that you didn't 'accidentally' leave me two, I did drink and I drunk so much to where Jackson said it was enough and he took me home and three, I took a few pictures that brung some of my memory of last night back."

"Awww my baby is breaking out of her shell, so what was your first drink?" Zoey asks.

"Well I thought it was water until I tasted, long story short I was dancing on tables and flirting with some guy name blue in the pool"

"You took a drink from a random guy... Aww you broke your first party rule" Zoey hugs and I slightly push her off of me.

"Where's Max? I haven't seen him since yesterday when I came over to do your makeup" Zoey stands up and I stand up along with her but we both turn our head as we hear a door bell ring.

"IT'S ALWAYS OPEN!" Zoey and I yell in unison.

The door opens and Lola walks into the house her eyes glued to her phone as she closes the door and when she looks up she sees me and glares.

"What are you doing here?" Is the first words that come out of her mouth.

"She lives here, what are you doing here?" Zoey says crossing her arms.

"I came to see Jackson and what do you mean she lives here? For how long?"

"She's been living here for about three years now"

"Jackson never said anything about living with you" Lola begins to walk towards me but Zoey quickly stands in front of me.

"Jackson is upstairs in his room, you can stop talking to us now" Zoey motions her hand in a go away motion and Lola huffs and storms up the stairs.

Once Lola is gone I sigh, "I thought everyone knew I lived with Jackson by now?"

"Yeah, but to be honest she's pretty stupid"

I nod my head agreeing with Zoey.

"MAX!" Zoey yells causing me to jump away from her a little. "Sorry boo, I didn't mean to scare you" Zoey pats my shoulder and she takes off for the stairs.

I sigh and I follow her up the stairs, she walks into my room and she belly flops onto my bed. I close my door behind me and sit on her back, then I lay down.

"THEN GET OUT!" I jump up in my bed, and I here a door slam so I get up and open my door to see Max sitting on the ground.

"What happened?" I ask him.

Max pushes me out the way, and he takes my spot as he lays on Zoey, I close and lock my door as I walk over to them and I lay down laying my head on Max's stomach.

"Lola and Jackson were making out, and I started complaining about them kissing right in front of me so Jackson got up and he threw me out of the room literally, my butt hurts"

"Well you're welcome in my room anytime"

"I know" He replies back to me.

"Ramona, show me the pictures you took last night" Zoey suggest, and we all adjust on my bead, to where I'm sitting next to Zoey and Max sits in Zoeys lap.

I go to my gallery on my phone, and the first picture I show them is of me with the guy who's name is blue.

"Oh, you met Will?" Zoey exclaims and I look at her.

"How do you know Will?" I ask her.

"Who doesn't know Will? he's captain of the football and he's super smart, he was math tutor yeah we did more than tutoring that night" Zoey looks off like she's in a day dream, and I swat her arm once I realize what she said.

"There is children in the room" I say referring to Max.

"I may be a child but I'm not stupid"

I gasp, and I look at Max.

"Yeah, on the days when you used to stay after school Jackson would bring a girl a here and things would happen which resulted in me coming to your room with ear buds"

"Max I'm sorry you had to go through that torture" Zoey says.

"Yeah let's get back to the pictures" Max says obviously wanting to change the subject.

Then we spend the rest of our time looking at pictures on my phone and laughing at stupid little things when would get off topic so many times up until Zoey had to leave.


I walk in to the kitchen with Max and he hops up on to the counter.

"What're we going to do now?" Max asks me and I shrug my shoulders.

"I dunno, I usually take a nap when Zoey goes to sleep"

"Hey you wanna annoy Jackson and his girly friend?"

"No, I can't even talk in front of Lola"

"I know, you can't talk in front of anyone and I'm not going to annoy him alone so you're coming with me" Max hops off the counter and pulls my arm and drags me up the stairs.

Now we stand in front if his bedroom door.

"Max I don't think this is a good idea" I sigh.

"Does it look, like I care" Max rolls his eyes at me and then he opens the door. "Hey Lola, when did you and Jackson start dating?"

This isn't going to end well.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while I would've updated yesterday but, I didn't know how I was going to end this chapter.

*Also for everyone who read my other Jamona story Love and Hate I added a new chapter to the end of it talking about a book idea so if you would go check that part out I would appreciate it*


Xoxo~ T

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