Bleed Me. Bite Me. Love Me. Damon Salvatore. 10.

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Chapter 10:

Ava entered the comfort of her small apartment building, kicking the tanned wooden door shut behind her. What a day, she thought with a sigh pressing her back against the door letting her legs give out from under her. She slid to the floor curling her small thighs to her chest taking in her whole apartment. It was a very nice apartment with cherry red wooden floorboards and different colored walls. Ava remembered the first day she moved in, she had the walls painted according to emotions. The hallway; olive green, a sense of tranquillity or calmness- the living room; dark purple, confusion-the kitchen; crimson red, for passion. The only room she had not yet painted was her own, her bedroom. It was still white as snow, but she liked it like that.

Ava glimpsed at the black frames hanging on her walls, a thin sheet of glass protecting the photographs underneath. They were all pictures of things she cared most about in the world. Pictures of Parker or Aunt Sara or even Sprinkles, her now deceased kitty cat. But even through all the photographs, none of them seemed to feature or have her in them–Ava.

Footsteps were heard from the bedroom, bringing Ava back to reality. A burglar? , she thought rising to her feet, How could they have gotten up here? There's no ladders or trees. . . unless . . .

Ava rushed to her bedroom listening as the footsteps came to a halt, she paused pressing her back against the wall closest to the door. She peeked inside catching a glimpse of the perpetrator's back. It was definitely a man's back due to the width of the shoulders and waist size.

"There's nothing worth stealing here!" she said, her voice calm and honest. There really wasn't anything worth stealing in her little apartment, all there was was cheap furniture and unfinished paintings. To others that would be of no value, so why would he choose to steal from her? She had no money. The man scoffed silently, his body making no sign of moving.

"I have no reason to steal from you." the man said his voice a caress. Strangely, Ava believed him-believed his voice, but she just couldn't help but wonder the purpose of him being in her home. Ava's brow furrowed as she grit her teeth together, had he come to hurt me..? 

"I have a gun!" she choked out, peeking inside. The man smirked, letting out a small chuckle calling out her bluff. "And-And-And- I will use it if i have to!"  A full laugh escaped his lips, it was light yet full of mockery. His laugh stinging Ava like a slap on the wrist.

"Now, now.." he murmured, running gentle fingers over the comforter of her bed as Ava took in another glance, her eyes following him as he took his first step. She watched as his hand slid across her night stand, his fingers taking a slow journey touching every one of her belongings at least once. "Now, you and I both know that is untrue. You wouldn't harm me, you wouldn't harm anybody." he stated bluntly, finding an interest in one of her trinkets, playing with it a bit. "And the reason why this is– would you care to hear?" he murmured prying his way into one of Ava's drawers which she must have forgotten to close all the way. It was a drawer full of books and pens and different kinds of devices he was unfamiliar with. He continued with his exploration, Ava waiting as he continued."It is because you are fragile and innocent. ." he purred, moving one book to the side, "it is because you are-" he began taking a brief pause his eyes catching something he thought was of some kind of value to him. Ava arched her neck to take a better look at what he was doing. He moved the unnecessary aside pulling out a small photograph, holding it at a distance. His forefinger tracing it lightly, "human." 

Why are you here?, Ava thought to herself keeping a close eye on him. A smile curved at the man's lips "I am merely . . ." he paused taking the time to chuckle to himself lightly at some secret thought "Returning something."

Bleed Me. Bite Me. Love Me. Damon Salvatore.Where stories live. Discover now