Bleed Me. Bite Me. Love Me. Damon Salvatore. 6.

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Chapter 6:

Damon laid her fragile body gently on the bed, letting her head fall carefully on the cushiony pillow. Her hair tumbling into a way that seemed unreal-framing her face beautifully. Damon sighed, slowly unraveling his arms from around her waist. Ava let out a small moan in protest, curling her legs up to her chest slightly. Damon smiled amused, for an unconscious person she seemed really aware.

Damon watched as her chest moved up and down with the air entering her lungs. She looked so peaceful, like she didn't have a care in the world. This intrigued him. Damon leaned across her petite frame, placing the palms of his hands on either of her sides. Pinning her down in case the 'child' would awaken sooner than expected. But, luckily, Ava showed no sign in early awakening. He studied every inch of her expression tracing every little detail, searching for that one infamous flaw that each person had. But found nothing in the smooth milk tinted skin. Not one blemish or scar. "How peculiar.." he murmured gently, slowly sliding his hands back, attempting to return to his original composure. When in an instant, Ava caught one-before he had the chance to fully retrieved it. Damon glanced down at the small warm fingers entwined in his own. How did she do that?, he thought.

He took her hand in his own, examining it playfully. Ava not bothered with it in the slightest. Damon held it up to his face running his thumb gently over her knuckles- Ava never leaving his sight. A smile danced on his lips as he placed a sweet kiss on the back of Ava's hand. It was a short chaste kiss; a gentleman's kiss.

"Sweet Dreams.." he murmured like a lullaby.


Sunlight broke in through the window, lighting up the pale walls in Ava's apartment. Birds chirped outside filling the air with their sweet lullaby, welcoming the new day. It was bright outside, the mystical sun reaching its zenith. Yet Ava was still in dreams, soundly sleeping on her small twin sized bed. The lavender colored sheets where in tangles underneath her petite frame. She laid flat on her abdomen, her hair in ruffles on the puffed creme sheeted pillow. Ava's nails traced the ornamental design sown on one of its corners.

Her camera was propped down on the night stand untouched. Light reflecting off of its lenses, bouncing off hitting Ava's closed eyelids. She shook her head lightly, the sunlight burning her eyes. Ava eventually gave up, sitting down upwright rubbing her poor little eyes awake. "Ughh.." she groaned her vision slightly blurry. "What time is it?" she breathed, running a hand through her light brown hair. Ava glanced around, meeting eyes with the camera on her night stand. She immediately reached for it, attempting to recollect her memories of the night before.

Ava searched through the images, remembering the crow. She set the camera on her side unable to remember how she got home. Someone had brought her there and she knew it, but who?

Ava yawned feeling her eyes droop, sleep threatening to take over. She couldn't help but submit, lying her head down on the cushiony pillow. But soon enough, her eyelids popped open. Suddenly remembering what day of the week it was. "School!" she shouted rising to her feet.

P.S--Already have 7th chapter done but need don't have and intro/beginning paragraph need help! Would like to start it with Ava but dont noe help me please!

Bleed Me. Bite Me. Love Me. Damon Salvatore.Where stories live. Discover now