Bleed Me. Bite Me. Love Me. Damon Salvatore. 1.

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  • Dedicated to Ian Somerhalder--For Being Him.

Song that fits this story: Cyanide-By Castaneda;]

Chapter 1:

Ava toyed with the strap of her camera following the group of people in front of her.

It was a bright sunny day, a perfect day to take pictures of the campus. Ava took in a deep breath, listening to Professor Peterson.

"And....Stop!" he said readjusting his glasses." This looks like a good place. Now," he held up his index finger pacing around the grass. "Can anyone tell me, why are we out here?" Ava glanced at her peers, no one answered." Woah! Don't you all raise your hands at once!" he joked. Ava glanced around once more, raising up her hand shyly. "Yes, Ava." he gestured towards her, all heads turning to face her.

"To take pictures..?" Ava said a slight grin tingling on her lips. Prof. Peterson smiled at her continuing to pace around.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" he yelled, making the girls in front jump. One of the girls smiled at her silliness, the others snickered amongst themselves. "Correct! THANK YOU AVA." he said almost screaming. Ava couldn't help but laugh with everybody else. "Now does everyone know why we're here?" he said cupping his ear with his hand.

"To take pictures." everyone said in unison.

He smiled happily. "Good. Now there's only 3 rules to follow, so listen up." he jumped on a block of cement making himself look taller. "Rule #1: Don't wander off too far. Rule #2: Take a picture of whatever captures your attention. And rule #3: Have fun and be creative!" and with that Professor Peterson was gone. Ava gazed around snapping pictures of birds, trees and or even students from her class. But mostly everything seemed dull to Ava, nothing really captured her eye. She brushed a lock of hair from her face looking at her surroundings. When suddenly something caught her eye, it was a young man across the street all dressed in black. How peculiar, she thought raising the lens to her face. She snapped a couple of pictures of him, grinning at every one of them. The smile soon faded when his eyes met hers. It could've been impossible to tell who he was looking at but Ava knew it was her. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, but she wouldn't dare look away. He held her still with his eyes, he cocked his head to the side in bewilderment. Ava smiled at his posture lifting the camera once more, not afraid to capture him in one last image. She lowered the camera to her side, lifting her hand to slightly wave at him. A dazzling smile spread across his face and to her surprise he waved back. Ava grinned, a sudden tap bringing her to reality.

"Hey Ava, you don't happen to have an extra film on you do you? Cause mine ran out." Ava turned to look at Emily shaking her empty camera.

"Um.." Ava glanced back at the street the young man gone like the wind.

"Ava?" Emily asked popping her head in front of Ava's face.

"Wha-yeah, here."

"Thanks! You're a life saver." Emily smiled. Ava dug into her black bag pulling out a brand new film. Emily gladly took it, running back to her group of friends. Ava glanced at the street, shaking her head. Weird, she thought carrying on with what she was doing.

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