This Is What You Seek

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That day Loki completed what he needed to like a robot.  He showered, changed, brushed his teeth and hair, took a walk, etc. all while on auto pilot.  Sif clouded his mind no matter what he tried to do.  He wanted to apologize, to tell her what happened but he knew she wouldn't listen.  When the warrior made up her mind, there was no changing it.

The thought of her caused a pain in his chest, one he had never expirienced before.  And all he could think about was her expression as she saw him.  He hated himself for being part of the cause that made her feel such a way, that ruined their night.  He knew it wasn't his fault, it had just been bad timing but he still carried the guilt as if he had done something wrong.

He wanted to talk to someone about it, to get someone else's opinion on what he should do.  The only person that came to mind was Sif but for obvious reasons, that was out of the question.  He couldn't speak with Odin for they both shared a mutual hatred.  Thor would just mock him and not take it seriously, maybe even try flirting with her again.  The Warriors Three were much too busy to listen to him whine about a mistake, and they were more Thor's friends than his.  After pondering for a few minutes, he decided the only one he was left with was Frigga.

As much as he didn't want to bother his mother, he knew he couldn't just keep this to himself for long.  The sorrow was eating him alive.  The journey there made him feel much less than manly, fretting over a girl.  The cold hearted war criminal melted by the wrath of a goddess, it was embarrassing!

He entered the building, his footsteps echoing against the tile as the guards watched his every move.  It seemed nobody in the nine realms trusted him.

"Mother?"  He called out, peering around the corner of the room.  "I must speak with the Queen."  He told one of the many guards who quickly set off to fetch her without uttering a word.

A few moments later, he was wrapped in a hug and a motherly kiss was planted on his cheek.  He returned the hug, Frigga had been the one person who cared for him all along, the one who always kept faith.  He could never be more thankful for his mother.  "May I speak with you somewhere private, Mother?"

"Of course, my son.  Follow me, if you will."  She led him to one of her favorite spots to unwind, it looked like a small kitchen with a marble island countertop, spinning stools, a sink, cabinets, a table, a stove, the whole thing.  It allowed her to feel like a normal Asgardian for a little while, not royalty.

He watched her as she made a pot of tea, handing him a mug and taking a sip from her own, sitting across for him.  "Now, do tell me what troubles you."  Her voice alone seemed to comfort him, to bring him back to his childhood where his biggest stress was what book he wanted to read that night.

"I seem to have..."  Loki stopped, trying to think of a way to word it.  "I believe I have fallen in love."

She looked to her son excitedly, hands wrapped firmly around the cup.  "Details of this maiden?"

"You know her surprisingly well, she used to visit quite often when Thor and I were children."  He hinted, smiling fondly at the memories.

"Is this Lady Sif you speak of?" she asked, raising a brow.

"Why, yes.  And I believe she liked me back, but I made a horrible mistake, an unforgivable mistake and I know not how to fix it.  The sorrow is tearing me apart!"  He groaned, putting his head against the wooden table in shame.  Guilt was not something he felt very often, and he hated it with a burning passion.

"What is this mistake you speak of?"  Her voice seemed calm, as if she wanted full details before giving her opinion.

He told her everything, every small detail that had occurred in the past week starting from the glances during the meal they had shared to him searching for hours on the streets for her and leaving the note on her bag.

Frigga looked as if she might melt, her eyes sparkled with what seemed to be pride for her boy.  "I can say that you are most definitely in love, my son.  But it seems to me that neither of you have the full story.  Sif only saw your lips locked onto some woman, and you only saw her run out the door.  The both of you are missing pieces.  However, I can tell you who holds all the happenings in his memory that can inform each of you otherwise."

"I am begging before you for the answer, Frigga.  Please."  He looks desperate, his eyes filled with unspilled tears.

"What you seek is a conversation with Asgard's Gatekeeper.  Now I know you are not on the best of terms, but if you can set it up that he explains honestly what occured with Sif, she may grant you her forgiveness."  He fills with hope at his mother's words, determination burning in his eyes.

"I must convince Heimdall."  He says, running a hand through his hair.  "But how?"

"That is for you to find out, Loki.  If you love her, it will be an easy task to work on.  Do tell me the outcome, yes?  I do not see enough of you anymore."  She says fondly, smiling at him gently.

"I apologize for that, I will make it a habit to visit you frequently.  I must start my task though, I will get her back."  He hugs his mother before leaving in a hurry, heading to the Bifrost.

He could only hope Heimdall to be in a good mood.


Let me know if there are any typos!!  Have a lovely day!

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