Into the Flames

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Loki sat in the grass for quite some time, mainly just thinking about Sif.  He couldn't imagine her holding any other feeling except maybe a hint of appreciation towards him.  She was independent, she always had been.  But, strangely enough, his mind possessed the thought that he might have a chance.  Not quickly of course, but over time.

He thought back to when he asked Sif to join him on an adventure, remembering the feel of his cold hand against her small, thin but strong grasp as they shook hands.  She would probably try to injure him if she found out that he had nothing planned whatsoever.  In reality, he just needed an excuse to be within her company, an excuse to win her over.  And now was the moment that he accepted that fact, that he wanted Sif to be his, and only his.

Even just seeing Thor speak with her or the man in the arena treat her in such a way angered him, caused him to be possessive.  He never thought of himself as the possessive kind, but Sif really brought that out of him.  Sure, he was a bit controlling over certain things, but he couldn't remember a time where he had been possessive.

As he sat there, time seemed to go by faster, without him even noticing.   He thought all about his life up to this point, his childhood and how awful it had seemed then.  Being ignored, being left out.  Being everyone's second choice.  Thor had always been number one, to his companions, to his teachers, to his father.  And nothing hurt more than being a second choice.

But as he thought, his mind traveled to childhood Sif.  He couldn't remember her picking favorites or judging the others.  Everybody had been the same to her, no greater or worse off than the other.  The only thing she had thought about was who's ass she had to kick into place when they stepped out of line with her.  He held back a chuckle at the bitter memories, how sweetly they pained him.

Then he remembered being a young boy, not a child but not a teenager.  He had been into trickery and magic as the rest of them sparred.  He believes this is the time everyone really started to realize, including himself, that he was the God of Mischief.  His pranks were the talk of Asgard and he had gotten on quite a few people's nerves.  

Unfortunately so, this was the time almost all of his companions were going through their awkward stages.  Thor had become obsessed with some mortal actress from Midgard and had placed posters on their walls, at this time they had shared a bedroom.  Volstagg's appetite also increased a lot at this point and he gained a bit of weight, which clearly stayed through adulthood.  For Fandral, well he finally noticed what a woman was and became the master of flirting, or at least he thought so.  During their slumber parties, he would brag about how many girls had swooned over him that day in school, even mentioning a few times when he had kissed a girl.  Oh, how that progressed.  Hogun mostly stayed quiet, but he found a thing for taking photos and mostly kept to himself.

Sif went through a big change at this time.  She became quite aggressive and sensitive, and didn't like being insulted.  She was also growing into her body so she would usually wander off alone, practicing combat in the woods with a couple stolen mannequins.  She didn't know, but there had been times when Loki would watch her with admiration as he read a book.  He too enjoyed being in solitude.

For Loki, he became quite mischevious and pulled plenty of stunts.  Looking back, he think he enjoyed the attention that getting in trouble got him because for once, the spotlight wouldn't be on Thor.  His father would actually acknowledge him, even if it was negative.

Then they became young teenagers.  The rebeliousness really shined through them all.  Fandral had mastered womanizing perfectly, and usually completed the day with two or three women in his arms.  Thor tended to be obsessed with working out, quickly gaining muscle that impressed everyone and went well with his shaggy blonde hair.   Volstagg gained a bit more, but maintained most of his fighting talent.  Hogun was the same as ever, but he picked up yoga and ended up instructing classes on Fridays.  Loki became the best sorcerer in Asgard, thanks to his mother.  And Sif, her combat skills were beyond unbelievable and could defeat anybody she faced, including Thor.

At this time, they all officially became warriors in the Army of Asgard and it was one of the most exciting days of their lives.  The after party was to die for as Fandral snuck in buckets full of ale and everyone invited their friends.  Most of them didn't remember much of what happened that night.  Loki woke up on the roof without a shirt and nobody could find Fandral for two hours.  Turns out he was inside a cabinet wearing nothing but his boxers and a party hat.  Sif was hanging from a chandelier with her sword and Thor hadn't slept and sang songs all night.  When Loki awoke, he specifically remembered what verse he was on.

"Take one down, pass it around, 6,438 bottles of beer on the wall!"

Loki chuckled to himself at the memory as he got up, wiping grass from his pants.  He decided it would be best if he went back to his room, he had completely missed dinner so he would just eat something at his own house.  He strode forward, Sif still echoing through his thoughts.

He opened his door, stepping inside and running a hand through his hair when he saw Sif inside, blushing profusely.  He raised an eyebrow, awaiting Sif to explain why she was in Loki's bedroom.  

"Hey, I just left some of my things here, I just was picking them up on my way back to my house.  My apologies."  She said, shifting uncomfortably.

"No worries, Lady Sif.  Would you like an escort home, it's getting late."  He says coolly, trying not to make her feel uneasy.  She glanced up at a clock and then back at Loki.  "I really don't mind, I'm not tired yet anyhow.  I could go for a walk."

She managed to mask her anxiousness, but being the God of Lies, Loki knew.  "Alright, if it isn't too much trouble."  She says, her voice pleasantly echoing in the room.

"Well, let's be off then!"  Sif grabs her bag, quickly reaching Loki's side.  She nods as they leave the bedroom, walking down the long hall together.  She doesn't make eye contact with him and stares straight ahead, her jaw slightly clenched.

Loki can't help but glance at her beautiful features every few minutes, admiring her long, raven hair that fell down to her waist.  When fighting, she would pull it up but he very much liked the look of it down.

The sun was setting, lighting Asgard in a beautiful orange glow.  The two remained silent but it was not an awkward silence for they were both admiring the same thing, the sun and each other.

The sky grew dark as they neared Sif's house, but the orange glow didn't go away for it still flickered from the windows in the house.  "Not to ruin tour little walk or anything but, is your house on fire?"

Her jaw dropped as she ran towards the house, Loki following quickly behind.  She screamed as the flames erupted through the roof, trying to run inside.  Loki quickly grabbed her, holding her back against his chest.  "Sif, there's nothing you can do!"  He said, holding tight against her struggling.

"Let me go, my entire life is in there!"  She shouts back, tears rolling down her face.  It pained Loki to see her like this, to witness her devastation.  

He lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him as he wiped away a fresh tear .  "I won't allow you in that building, Sif.  I can call for help, but you will not set foot in there.  Listen to me, it's going to be alright."  He tried comforting her as he saw the fire rescuers nearing with their supplies.  Someone had already called.  The warrioress looked defeated as the flames reflected in her large brown eyes, falling to her knees.  Loki wrapped her arms around her, making her look away as she sobbed.

He gently stroked her hair as her tears wet his shirt.  The men were trying eagerly to put out the fire, but it was no use.  Sif's house had been destroyed.  And in the corner of Loki's vision, he saw a figure that vaguely looked like the cocky warrior Sif had battled recently slink off into the shadows.  He glares at the fading figure and mumbles a few words under his breath, the sound of the crackling fire and Sif's sobs disguising his spell work.  The damage had been done, but the man would pay a great cost for his actions.


Poor Sif :(  But here is the next chapter, I really hope you enjoyed it!  


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