Chapter 2

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Annoying remarks and rude comments was all Stiles spoke whenever he would open his mouth and be in Lydia's presence. The whole week, she'd been trying to be as friendly as possible, as helpful as possible and as calm as possible, because damn, this guy needed to have his ass kicked. He was so fucking childish for a twenty six year old, Lydia wondered if he'd actually ever gone to a real school.

Her mother was astonished. For three days, she hasn't said a single word to her daughter, she didn't even look at the strawberry blonde. On Monday, Natalie Martin had given her only daughter a lesson. The two had talked for two hours, Natalie complaining and Lydia rolling her eyes at every word. The last thing she said was, 'It's my life', then gracefully walked out of the room. Lydia was well aware that her mother was disappointed. She could see it in her eyes and it hurt. She never thought she'd see that look.

First week was terrible. More terrible than she could ever imagine. Stiles and her made absolutely no progress, she would answer with sassy comebacks whenever he'd make mean comments. It wasn't going anywhere. He'd refuse her help, tell her she's useless, not try and communicate with her at all, and just simply show pure hatred. It came to point where Lydia would spend several minutes in the bathroom, trying to contain herself, either from crying or strangling him. In other words; Lydia couldn't stand Stiles.

She wanted to quit various times, her strength and mind completely shutting off because she couldn't take his attitude anymore. At times, she'd wondered how the hell did Scott handle him so well?

Scott was Stiles' best friend, just like she thought. His smile was angelic and heartfelt and he was the nicest person Lydia's met. He told her Stiles used to attend high school, but he went to the school for the blind first, where he learnt how to read and some other useful things.

Lydia now finished her first week at the Stilinskis and had one day off. She thanked God because there was no way she was going to accompany that bastard for one more second. She called Kira to come over, since the strawberry blonde desperately needed someone other than mother to talk to about jerk that was Stiles Stilinski.

"He hates me. I'm telling you, I can't stand it anymore. He keeps saying all this terrible stuff and I never did anything to him. I just can't figure him out." Lydia threw herself on her bed, the one that she's had since high school days.

Kira sat reading through some notes, smiling to herself after her best friend's words. "Wow. Something not even Lydia Martin can figure out. I give him props." The dark haired girl winked and Lydia rolled her eyes, staring at her boring, white ceiling.

She wished her life was boring and white. Boring and white was so simple and easy. Life wasn't.

Kira fell on the bed to Lydia's side and cracked a laugh. "Cheer up, bean. Second week should be better." She looked at Lydia who smiled back at her.

"He keeps calling me red head and it makes me want to strangle myself."

Kira rolled her eyes, when a perfect idea came into her mind. Her fingers started tickling Lydia all over her stomach and the room was soon filled with laughter and joy.

"If you don't succeed, laugh until you do."

Lydia simply rolled her eyes and smiled at her best friend. That was Kira. She knew how to make everyone feel better about themselves.

Lydia hated Tuesdays.
It was Tuesday and she was back at the Stilinski household. It was 7 am and she was precise, like always. She entered the house and it was deadly quiet, from time to time the humming of the summer wind making her wince. It was almost the end of August, September colours already knocking on the doors of Beacon Hills.

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