Chapter 6

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Stiles was insincere.

Often. Thoroughly. To everybody. It was as though his walls of insincerity were the only thing protecting him in this misery of a life he had. He could have worse, he knew that. He also knew no one should feel like their problems, just because they might be smaller than someone's else's, don't matter. Problems do matter. Stiles had them and was just as vulnerable as the next person. People are vulnerable. Often.

He just seemed to have built an insincere facade to not show it to anyone. At least he thought it didn't show. After all, he couldn't see how he looked like. Scott told him his nose has a little curve at the end, and when Stiles felt it, it made him smile. It meant his life was this straight line, but there would come a change and curve his world up. It didn't show up yet, and he got tired of waiting. The curve didn't make him smile anymore.

Stiles was insincere. To Lydia. Of course he was insincere to Lydia. They haven't talked about him imagining her as some beauty queen or him liking the endearment of her eyelashes, or him thinking her lips were the perfect example of clouds. If he ever told her that, he'd hate himself. Then, all these walls he'd built would be torn apart by honesty, and the fact she was the first to make him feel the need to honestly say what he thinks, was even more alarming than he'd believed it would be. It was Lydia. He hated her. That was the only sincere part of him. His hate for Lydia. (But not for her lips, though.)

Sometimes he wished he could see her. But, only sometimes and that sometimes wasn't frequently. There were times, though, when he wanted to see her angry expression, or her curious face or her smiling, although he believed she didn't smile much. Especially around him. But more than anything, he wanted to see her crying face and make fun of it because if Lydia ever cried in front of him, it would probably be because of 'The Notebook' and he knew that. He heard her whisper-shouting at her phone, and found the topic the most stupid thing ever.

"What do you mean you can't watch 'The Notebook' tonight? IT'S WEDNESDAY, KIRA! That's when we do-" Stiles had made his way back to his bed, but he couldn't have missed angry Lydia, so he had carefully stood by the door and started overhearing(which he secretly knew he shouldn't had done).

"Your girlfriend over your best friend? I'm offended. I can't watch 'The Notebook' alone. Why don't you ditch Malia?" Lydia jokingly asked and Stiles had rolled his eyes, then, using his stick, walked to his bed, the only good place in this world.

And that was how Stiles found out Lydia was obsessed with 'The Notebook', which wasn't even worth crying for, if you asked him. Later that day, he found out about a thing she hated. Except him, of course. However, Lydia probably hated much worse things than Stiles, but he was somewhere at the top, he figured.

"I can't stand you." He heard her whispers when she was watering his plants, as usual.

"What did I do now?" He annoyingly spoke, and really did want to know what he did, because he was simply enjoying the sounds of the nature when she decided to ruin it.

"Not you. Aloe Vera. I literally hate it. Why do you own it?"

He scoffed. "You hate Aloe Vera?"

Lydia whispered some incoherent words and he knew she probably rolled her eyes too, because that was Lydia. She rolls her eyes at him all the time, even when he isn't mocking her.

And then later, Lydia found out about his obsession with Nutella and he found out she hated Nutella. Another thing she hated. He could do this all day. Finding out about things that made Lydia angry seemed like an interesting hobby, 'cause she was angry. When she was angry, her voice would turn into this low, loud whisper that screamed anger and hostility. And yet, he thought it was the funniest thing ever. Lydia angry. Ha ha.

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