Chapter 5

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I was now six months pregnant, but I was huge. I looked nine months.

"Bonnie, please check up on the baby. I am huge." I said a little worried.

Bonnie placed her hands on my stomach and like usual, my stomach turned a somewhat transparent color, allowing us to see the baby.

"Wow. She is huge! She has got to be older than six months gestation!" Bonnie said in awe.

I smiled a little with a feeling of...pride?

Suddenly I felt a pain in my abdomen.

"Ouch. Ouch! OUCH!" The pain was getting worse, more intense.

"Ow! Bonnie what is wrong with me!" I asked worried for my baby.

"I think you are having braxton-hicks contractions"

"Braxton whats?"

"Braxton-hicks contractions. They are sort of like fake contractions. You aren't in labor." She said helping me lay on the couch.

"Ouch! Oh my gosh." I growled into the pillow next to my head.

Suddenly feathers were falling around me.

"What..the hell Bonnie?" I asked sitting up looking at the once intact pillow laying in shreds beside me.

"I didn't do that." She said confused with her eyes full of concern.

"Then who the hell did?" I asked now slightly panicked.

"I don't know..."

I could tell behind Bonnie's facade of bravery, she was somewhat scared. Was another witch in the house? Witches didn't need permission to enter houses, so there could be another witch among us, hidden. We had many enemies, so the thought of another witch in the house scared me.

"I can feel it." Bonnie said closing her eyes.

"You can feel what?" I asked squinting slightly in confusion.

"The magic. It is pulling me. I can feel it."

I sat up, confused. My braton hips or whatever Bonnie called them, were gone.

" Ex revela" Bonnie began saying in a slow whisper.


"Ex revela"

"Bonnie!" I commanded

"Ex revela" Bonnie said again louder.

Suddenly, her eyes shot open and she was thrown out of her previous trance like state.

She looked at me with wide eyes before looking at my stomach.

"Bonnie what's the matter?" I asked forcing her to look into my eyes.

"Sh...she's...she's a witch." Bonnie said squinting her eyebrows together slightly.

"Who's a witch?"

"The baby. She is a witch, and a very powerful one at that."

"How is that possible?"

"Do you hear yourself Elena? Your baby was not conceived by just you and Damon. It isn't possible. A witch had to of created the baby with magic."

"But why would they make her a witch?" I asked putting a hand protectively on my stomach.

"She was created with magic, therefore, she is magic. If the witch who did this, would have done it to two living humans who couldn't conceive, it would be different. It would not have need nearly as much magic, therefore the child would have remained a normal human." Bonnie said still confused, and holding a look of disbelief.

Immortal Impossibility (A Damon and Elena Baby Story)Where stories live. Discover now