Chapter 8

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I looked at Elena.

Her normal glowing hair and skin were dulled.

It has been 2 months and she still hasn't woke up.

"Elena." Someone said, their voice cracking and expressing hopelessness.

It took me a moment to realize it was my own voice.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked knowing there would not be an answer.

"I could have helped you." I whispered, moving my hand from her temple to her jaw lightly.

I laid my head on the bed next to her.

"She is very pretty." Someone said next to me.

I looked up at the intruder.

It was a child, a little girl, with brown hair that reached her waist, and bright purple eyes.

Someone had described this child to me once, but who?

"I am Edith." She said holding her hand out, and smiling.

One of her front teeth were missing.

"Who are you?" I asked bewildered.

"You know me." She said smiling and walking over to Elena.

"I don't know anything of you."

"Yes you do. You just haven't seen me yet. Mommy has see me a lot. I usually visit her as littler but that got boring."

Elena. That is who had described this little girl to me.

"You are our baby?" I asked choking a little on my words.

"Yes. I am sorry I visited your head without mommy's permission, but she wouldn't answer me, and you needed love." She said looking away from Elena, to me, her purple eyes seeming to be brighter.

"How are your eyes purple?" I asked.

It was genetically impossible for someone to have purple eyes.

"I am a baby of magic." She said, her smile still on her face.

"The witches made me as the first of many. I am the beginning of a new world. They call me a manipulator. It means that I can do this."

"Do what?"

"Get into people's heads and give them visions."

"Vampires can already do that."

"But can vampires do this?" She asked giving me her trademark smile.

She walked away from the bed and put her arms out to the sides, like a bird.

Suddenly, two large white wings came from her back. She looked like an angel.

It seemed as if she was glowing, just like you would think an angel would.

"What else can you do?" I asked, now interested.

Her wings disappeared and she walked up to me.

She placed her small hand on my face and suddenly I was in 1847. 

Stefan was 8 and I was 12. We were playing with wooden swords.

Unlike the original memory, a little girl who was also 8 was with us too.

The little girl had straight brown hair that was a little longer than shoulder length, brown eyes, and olive colored skin.

"Elena, be careful. Don't get next to us when we are battling." I said looking at her sternly.

"Damon I am not little anymore. I am eight! If Stefan can battle, so can I!" She said looking into my eyes with fire.

"Stefan is a boy Elena. You are a girl. It is no place for a girl to be fighting." I said a little harsher than I expected.

"Just because I am a girl, doesn't mean I am weak." She said walking over to Stefan, pushing him down, stealing his sword, and hitting me in the stomach hard.

Somehow my anger had disappeared and was replaced with pride.

"Nice hit." I said smiling.

She giggled and dropped the sword, smoothing out her dress.

Now the picture was swirling around and another vision came up.

I was now 20, and Elena was 16.

We were running in the meadow.

Suddenly, I picked her up and swirled her around.

"Kiss me." She said with a smile, and I did, placing my lips to hers.

She pushed me backwards and I was on my butt.

She giggled at my stupidity as she ran away.

"I will get you!" I yelled laughing, standing up and running after her.

I eventually caught her and we fell to the ground.

"Marry me." I said breathlessly, looking at her.

Again, the picture started swirling and another came in.

We were older now, probably 20 and 24.

Elena was sitting across the meadow with a little boy who was probably 2, and a little girl who looked about 1.

Walking next to me, and clutching to my hands, were a little boy who was maybe 3, and a little girl who was 4.

I smiled at them and began running towards Elena.

The children followed me, giggling.

"Finally you are here!" Elena said picking a piece of grass from her dress.

I smiled and looked around at the children. They all had brown hair, the youngest girl having bright blue eyes like me, the boys having brown eyes, and the oldest girl having bright purple.

The children got up and began playing about 10 feet away from us.

"I love you so much." I said looking at Elena.

"I love you too." She smiled rubbing her fingers over my face lightly.

The area began blurring but instead of a new vision coming in, I was back at the hospital.

"Did you like it?" Edith asked removing her hand from my face.

"You gave me a complete different life. One without challenge. One with happiness." I said a tear unknowingly falling from my eyes.

Edith caught the tear in her hand, and made it into a small crystal bead.

"This is a memory holder. One day, when you have the best memory ever, put it in here, and you will always have it." She said smiling.

The room started filling with light and I tried to look around, but I was blinded.

I lifted my head from the bed and I was still in the hospital, but Edith was gone.

I had been having a dream. That was all. Everything I had saw was a dream, or better said, a vision given to me by the baby inside my beautiful girlfriends stomach.

Given to me by my baby.

I felt something poking me, and opened my hand to see it was the small crystal bead Edith had made.

I held it tightly and leaned over to Elena.

"We will save you, I said placing a soft kiss on her forehead.


Sorry this chapter is so short! I just really wanted to get you guys something!

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