Chapter 9

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Well, nothing can excuse my lack of updating. I am so so so sorry. A lot has been going on in my life lately. Anyways I hope you guys love this chapter as much as I love you guys!


I watched Elena breath slowly. It was majestic. Today marked as 3 months in the hospital.

I actually feared for not only Elena, but my baby too. Both of them I needed, both of them were teetering between life and death.

"Alright Mr. Salvatore, we have waited patiently for this moment, but we must do a c-section. The baby is ready to be born." A doctor said holding a chart.

He had been with Elena for some time, watching the baby, and his name was always being mentioned, but I didn't have the energy to remember it.

"Will she survive if it is performed?" I asked looking up at the young doctor.

"There is always a chance of not surviving surgery. Going by her current state, most likely. Her health has been increasing, and we expect it is not very long until she may wake up. In order to save them both, we must go on with the c-section. With the baby out of Elena, she will most likely heal faster, and the baby will not survive if it is kept in her much longer." The doctor said, looking at Elena.

"Okay. Do it." I said putting my head down.

"We will be coming for her in about 30 minutes." He said leaving the room.

"Elena, today is the day that our little girl will be born. Please stay healthy. I hate that I have to put my hope in doctors, but whatever was or is hurting you, couldn't be fixed with magic. Everyone keeps visiting all the time, I even have started letting Stefan see you. I know you are probably trying to smack me really hard right now because I am being a dick to Stefan, know me. I wish you could smack me right now," I said, pausing for a moment, "Please wake up. If not me, for our daughter. She will need you. I can't raise her alone."

I waited for a response that I knew wouldn't come.

A knock came minutes later. It hadn't felt like 30 minutes of silence, but sure enough, they were here to take her to surgery.

As they wheeled her out of the room I could not help but mutter, "I love you."

I waited in silence. Complete silence.

They had escorted me out of Elena's prior room and into the waiting room 30 minutes ago.

Well according to the incessant ticking of the clock on the wall above my head.

It had been a total of 45 minutes since they took Elena away to surgery.

I tapped my foot. I needed to concentrate. I was starving, but I could not leave Elena.

"Mr. Salvatore?" A female doctor asked in the door of the waiting room.

"Yes?" I asked enthusiastically, getting up and walking to her quickly.

"We are about 3/4 of the way through the Cesarean section." She said smiling.

"Okay. Thank you." I said running a hand through my hair.

The doctor walked away and I decided I had at least 20 minutes until Elena was out of surgery. I only needed 15 minutes to eat.

I walked out of the room and spotted a blonde woman. She looked ditsy and I compelled her to a desolate corner.

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