Chapter 9

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"What happened? " Jade asked her father with desperation. Jade left the mall as soon as she got the call her Grandma was in the hospital.

" She had a stroke while she was at the Grocerey Store" replied Aaron. He was hoping his mother was okay he was starting to regret not spending time with her and all the mistakes he made that caused her pain. Jade was trying to stay calm and positive because she didn't know what she would do if her Grandma died. Cindy  was the only person who was ever their for Jade she raised Jade if it wasn't for her Jade would have grown up in a foster home.

"Family of Cindy Williams" said the doctor. Jade and Aaron walked towards him very quickly they were very anxious to know how Cindy was they were both hoping for the best but what they were going to hear was something they both weren't prepared for.

"Cindy had a Hemorrhagic Stroke that is when a blood vessel inside of the brain ruptures, allowing blood to pool inside or around healthy brain tissue their are many different reasons why this can happen but  the reason this happened to Cindy was because of high blood pressure so we tried to find where the bleeding was happening and stop it but unfortunately we could not I am very sorry for your lost if you have any questions at all feel free to call and ask  " said the doctor with sympathy. 
"No no no" cried Jade she fell to the floor all she felt at that moment was sorrow she felt as though part of her was gone. ×everyone in the waiting room looked at Jade with sympathy. Aaron pulled Jade up by her arms and hugged her. Jade cried into his chest that was the first time that she had ever been hugged by her dad but that was the last thing on her mind.

"Jade this is where you will be sleeping make yourself at home" said Aaron as he turned the light on in the guest room. He didn't want Jade to be by herself so he decided to let her spend the night at his house.
"Thank you"Jade said to Aaron. Aaron nodded his head in response and then he left out the room. Jade checked out the room it wasn't big and it wasn't small it was a decent size room amd it was nicely decorated. Jade's phone started ringing she knew it was Marcel she hadn't talk to him since earlier.
"Hello"said Jade answering the phone.

"Are you ok? Why haven't you been answering my calls or text ?"questioned Marcel with concern. Jade always answered him when he called or texted when she didn't respond to his text earlier he thought that was weird so he called her three times and texted her two times but she didn't answer that let him know something was wrong.
"My Grandma died" replied Jade as tears fell from her eyes.

"Baby I am so sorry for your lost do you want me to come over so you won't be alone?" asked Marcel. He didn't want Jade to be by herself at a time like this.

"No thank you tho  I am spending the nights at my dads house" said Jade. Which felt so weird to her that she was saying that because she had never spent the night at her dad's house ever before.

"Oh ok well baby I am here for you if you need me at all just let me know if you want to talk or anything I am here I got you baby"said Marcel.  Jade stayed on the phone with Marcel  for little bit and then she called Ariana and told her the unfortunate sad news after that Jade went to bed.

Funeral Day

Jade cried as the choir sang  His eye is on the Sparrow  it was  her Grandmas favorite song . They had Cindy's funeral at the House of Faith Baptist church. That was Cindy's church home  that was the church she attended every Sunday the church Jade went to Sunday school the last time Jade went to church was when she turned 16. Cindy stopped making her go because she felt Jade was at the age where she should be able to choose. The funeral was packed with people their was some people who were standing up because all the seats were taken. Jade turned around and examined the church and saw all the sad teary eyed people sitting down and standing up. Jade was siting at the front of the church in between Alana and A.J she hated seeing her little sister cry she looked at her little brother and saw he also had tears fall from his eyes. The only two people she didn't see crying were Ashley and her dad they both had on big sunglasses. After the choir finished singing Pastor Walace got up and started preaching he preached about Heaven and talked about how Cindy was in a better place that she no longer has to worry about pain or sadness and that she wouldn't want every one to be so sad and how they would all see Cindy once again in Heaven if they believed in Jesus Christ and lived for him. That brought Jade comfort to think about how her Grandma had to longer worry about being sick or in pain Cindy had Gout and at times. Jade saw her Grandma in so much pain that she couldn't even lift up her hand. So hearing that her Grandma was no longer in pain made Jade have a sense of peace. After the Funeral was the burial  Jade cried as her Grandma's purple casket was lowered into the ground it was really starting to hit Jade she was never going to be able to talk to her Grandma never able to hug her or see her again.
Home going Celebration
After the burial it was the Home going Celebration. Aaron rented out an all you can eat resturant. Just like the funeral and
the burial lots of people came up to Jade and gave her their condolences she heard the same thing over and over and over again which was "I am so sorry for your lost your Grandma  was such a good woman she will truly be missed."

Jade felt it was sweet of everyone to tell her that but she was tired of hearing it she knew her Grandma was a good woman she was raised by the woman she felt as though she knew her Grandma better than anyone even her own family and that was because she did. Jade was really the only one with her Grandma no one else spent time with her. Aaron was always busy with work and his twin brother Moses lived in another state and was also a workaholic. Ashley didn't get along that well with Cindy so she tried to keep her kids away from her as much as she could. Cindy was the only one there  for Jade just like Jade was the only one their for her. 

"Thanks for coming Ari" said Jade as she gave Ariana a hug.

"No problem the service was so beautiful" replied Ariana. 

"Thanks I wanted my Grandma to have the best home going possible" said Jade as she smiled she pretty much planned the whole service no one really opposed it not even Ashley which was odd because Ashley found away to reject anything that has to  do with Jade.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe you came" said Jade to Marcel as he walked up to her and gave her a hug. 

"I had to I wanted to be here for you" said Marcel with sincerity.

"But what about yor meetings that you had today?" asked Jade. When she told Marcel when the funeral was he told her he had lots of meetings that day and that he wouldn't be able to make it but to see him here looking all sexy with his all black suit made Jade happy.

"I had my assistant reschedule them your more important to me"replied Marcel with a smile. If it wasn't for Jade's chocolate skin it would have been so obvious that she was blushing.

"Thanks, Well this is Ariana she is my best friend in the entire world and Ari this is obviously Marcel my boyfriend who I always talk non stop about" giggled Jade. Ariana and Marcel shook hands and greeted each other this was their first time meeting one another.

"She does talk non stop about you" stated Ariana as she looked at Jade and giggled.

"Good things I hope" Marcel said gazing into Jades eyes with a smile.

"Yea its always good things just make sure it stays that way and that you treat my bestie right because if you don't that's when we have problem" said Ariana in a joking tone. She was very serious though she knew Jade was going threw a lot and she did not want to see her best friend hurt even more.

Marcel laughed and said " No need to worry Jade is in good hands."

"Good to hear well I am going to get going it was nice meeting you Marcel Jade ill call you later" said Ariana as she gave Jade a hug and then left.

"Thank you for coming Marcel I appreciate it so much just you being here makes today a whole lot better" said Jade  with a big smile as she kissed him on the cheek. She didn't want to have PDA while her family and family friends were around. Marcel on the other hand didn't care where they were or who was around. He showed that by pulling Jade into a hug and wrapping his arms round her waist and giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Thats what my job is as your Man I am supposed to always be there for you no matter what and I will always be their for you Jade I promise" said Marcel. Jade didn't know what to say so she said the only thing that came to her mind which was "thank you" then she smiled.

Aaron stopped in the middle of his conversation he was shocked to see Jade all hugged up with some man. Aaron walked over to his eldest daughter. He was curious.

"Jade who is this?" asked Aaron. When Jade turned around Aaron was shocked to see the Marcel Black.

"Dad this is my boyfriend Marcel" answered Jade with a smile she was pleased to introduced her Dad to her boyfriend it was something she always wanted to but she never had a boyfriend to introduce untill now.
"Nice to meet you Mr.Williams" said Marcel as he put out his hand for Aaron to shake. Aaron looked at Marcel stunned he was wondering why the notourious Marcel Black was dating his plain Jade of a daughter.
Aaron shook Marcels hand and said "Very nice to meet you Mr. Black." Aaron  made sure to show respect  to Marcel not many people knew who Marcel was or how powerful he was but Aaron definetly knew. Aaron was a business lawyer so he made sure to know who was important and who wasn't important when it came to business.
Marcel was definetly someone to know.

Sorry I haven't updated lately had writters block.

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