Chapter 27

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    Jade woke up to knocking on her hotel room door. She got up and walked to the door and looked thorugh the peephole. When she saw it was Marcel at the door she quickly jumped back. Jade thought about ignoring him and going back to bed,but he kept knocking. Jad opened the door. Marcel looked at Jade in awe he could tell she had just gotten out of bed. She looked so beautiful to him. Jade had on a black head scarf and her pjs , but she still manged to look beautiful to him. Marcel smiled. Jade just stared at him taking in how handsome he was. His smile made her knees feel weak. It had been a week since they had seen or talked to each other.

"Damn your beautiful" said Marcel looking into Jades eyes.

"Umm thanks'' replied Jade with a liitle smile." So umm what are you doing here?"

"Look I just came by to tell you that. You can keep the car and the rest of the money in the joint account is yours. I know you need your space and I promise to give you that. Also I really am sorry. I should have never let myself get so drunk last night. I should have never put my hands on you in the first place. I hope that you can forgive me."
After saying that Marcel walked away. As he walked away, Jade bit her lip. She wanted him so bad. Her body hadnt been feeling right without him. She missed him holding her and she missed the D. She really wanted him so bad. She had to remind herself why she left in the first place.

"Marcel" yelled Jade. He stopped walking and turned around.

"Thank you."

"No problem . Look I seriously am so sorry about everything. Even though you want your space don't ever  hesitate to call me if you need or want anything." Said Marcel.

"Why are you being so nice? I don't understand. How are you so cool with me just leaving an us being on a break?" Asked Jade. She was expecting Marcel to be all salty and angry at her, but instead he was acting sweet and nice.

"Jade look I love you. You leaving and us being on this "break" hurts me like hell. I feel like part of me is gone. But I know that I was wrong. And that the only right thing for me to do is to let you have your space and do whatever you please. An hope that you will forgive me one day. Even though I probably  dont deserve your forgiveness and I know that I don't deserve you." Marcel chuckled. "I never deserved you and I prolly never will. But I love you and I always will." After saying that Marcel walked away and went to the elevators an left.

Jade closed her door. And sighed as she plopped down on the bed.  Hearing Marcel say all those things. Had her so confused. She felt like maybe she should just forgive him and move back in. She still loved him. He was her first love.
   No one ever made her feel the way he made her feel. Then she began to think about the time he chocked her. An shuck her head. She knew she did the right thing by leaving even though it didn't feel like it.
   This entire week without him felt so weird though. She missed his touch so much. An she missed sleeping next to him. The Marcel that she saw today was the sweet and kind one. The one she first met.

  The one who paid for her gas and snacks at the gas station. The one who bought her, a brand new Mercedes Benz, which was her dream car. The one who just made her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.  Then she thought about the angry and mean Marcel.
   The one who slapped her when he   found she was on the pill. The one who would grab her arm so tight that it would leave bruises. The one who scared her more than anything else.  She hated that side of him. She didn't understand why he couldn't just be sweet to her all the time. What was it about her that made him so mad? All she ever wanted was to please him and make him happy. Because seeing him happy somehow always made her happy. It was like his smile made her smile.

    After Marcel left Jades hotel. He went to his office. He had to get a lot done. Since Jade wanted her space. He had to keep himself occupied so that he wouldn't obesses over her every move. He actually thought about buying the hotel. An then getting a camera installed in her room so that he could see what she was doing everyday.

   He knew that shit actually sounded crazy, but he couldn't help it. He hated that he couldn't see Jade anymore. He knew it wouldn't be long before she met a guy. Who actually was good enough for her and was good for her. An then their little "break" would turn into them being completely over with no chance of ever getting back together.

Thought that really pissed him off. Thats why he was going to go back to his old ways. How he was before Jade. The get money fuck bitches Marcel.  He needed to occupy his time so that Jade could have her space and eventually forgive him. An then they could be together again. Being with Jade never distracted him from his work, but with her he made sure not to be a workaholic. With her he didn't eat, sleep, and breath work. But since they were no longer together at the moment. He had nothing stopping him from going back to that Marcel.

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