Chapter 21

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Monica in MM

"I just want her to like me, she's your mom after all." Said Jade while bitting her nails.

"Baby its going to be fine, she's going to love you." Assured Marcel as he touched Jades knee and softly squeezed it. Jade contuined biting her nails she was very nervous, she was going to meet Marcel's family for the first time. Jade knew that Marcel's mom and sister meant the world to him, thats why she really hoped that they liked her.

"What if she thinks that i'm not good enough for you and hates me. Will you still love me? " Asked Jade with a worried look on her face. Marcel laughed at Jades question he found it funny.

"Yes, I doubt that will happen but if it does I'ma still love you." Answered Marcel.

Marcel pulled up to the two story Brick home. Jade sighed as she got out of the car.  Marcel walked over to Jade and grabbed her hand. When they got to the front door Jade expected Marcel to nock, but was shocked when he pulled out the key and unlocked the door. Jade walked in first and Marcel followed.

"Mom we're here." Shouted Marcel.

"I'm in the kitchen."

Jade followed Marcel like a little puppy as he walked into the dinning room. Jade's mouth flew open as she looked at all of the good delicious food on the dinning room table.

"Mom this is my girlfriend Jade." Said Marcel.

"Hello nice to meet you." said Jade with a smile. She put out her hand for Veronica to shake. Veronica didn't shake it instead she looked Jade up and down with a displeased look.

"Um hi. So how old are you exactly?" Veronica Asked. She could tell Jade looked young. She was hopping that her son wasn't robbing the cradle.

"I am 18, but I will be 19 in February." Said Jade with a worried smile.

"Mmmm, thats all I have to say about that. Marcel go tell your sister dinner is ready." Marcel walked out of the kitchen and to the stairs, Jade followed right behind him.

"Monica, dinner is ready." Yelled Marcel.
Jade smiled when she saw Marcel's sister Monica come down the stairs. Monica looked like Marcel so much. She was the girl version of him in a fun size package. Monica came down the stairs in her sweats and her hair in a ponytail. 

"Hey Big Bro." Said Monica as she gave Marcel a big hug.

"Hey Mon." Said Marcel with a smile as he hugged his sister back. Jade watched in admiration at their sibling relationship it had been awhile since she talked to any of her sisters or brother.  Monica and Marcel walked together to the dinning table. Jade walked behind them feeling odd and left out. Jade made sure she sat next to Marcel.  When Jade began eating her food she was amazed at how good it tasted. It reminded of her of her Grandma's cooking. She stayed quite at the dinner table as Marcel and his mother and sister cached up with what was going on in each others lives.

"Like I swear I just love college so much. I love the freedom I can do what I want when I want. "Monica said with a smile.

"Yea whatever, all I know is you better not be wasting my money. You need to be getting good grades. I'm not spending thousands of dollars for you to go to school just for you to slack off and waste my money." Lectured Marcel. Monica rolled her eyes at Marcel. She loved her brother, but she hated how he always tried to control everything and everyone.

"Whatever. Anyway who are you and how did you meet my brother?" Monica asked, turning her attention to Jade. Jade was in shock at how she was the main focus of the conversation.  Jade looked at Marcel to answer for her. Marcel looked back at Jade and shrugged his shoulders.

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