Chapter 24

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"Damn baby you got it smelling good up in here" Said Marcel with a smile as he hugged Jade from behind. Jade smiled and turned around. 

"Aww thanks baby. I really hope everyone likes my cooking."

"They will. I know I do." Said Marcel. As he rubbed Jades booty and kissed her.

Jade added tongue to the kiss and put her arms around Marcel's neck. She then pulled away.

"I need to set the table. " As Jade was about to walk off Marcel grabbed her hand and gently pulled her toward him

"Hey, look don't worry about that. I just want you to worry about taking care of me."

Jade shook her head. 

"Marcel, they'll be here soon I need to take care of everything. "

Marcel put his arms around Jades waist and his hands on her butt.

"How about instead you let me take care of you? I'll get a maid to set up the table and you come upstairs with me. An i'll make you feel real good. "

Jade shook her head. 

"No, Marcel I want to do this on my own.This is our first time having guest over as a couple. I want be the good girlfriend who you can be proud of. Who made dinner and set the table and all the other stuff." Explained Jade.

Marcel smiled and then kissed Jade as he rubbed her butt and squeezed it.

"Fine,but once everyone leaves. That ass is all mine." Stated Marcel as he slapped Jade's butt. 

"Oh baby you know it is." Said Jade with a smile as she looked Marcel up and down lustfully.

Marcel went to his office to do some work. While Jade set the table and prepared for the night. Marcel's friends and Jades only friend Ariana were coming over. Jade desperately wanted everyone to like her. Even though she had already met Marcel's best friends. She still wanted to make a good impression. 


Jade,Marcel,Chris,Shana,Ariana and Shawn all sat at the dinner table  talking and eating. It was basically a couples night. Well almost if only Shawn and Ariana were together. It was actually their first time meeting. 

"Cudos to your Chef, Marcel this food is exquisite." Smiled Shana.

"Actually Jade cooked everything and set everything up." Announced Marcel proudly.

"Wow, well cudos to you Jade." Said Shana with a smile.


Marcel touched Jades leg and squeezed it.

"So what do you guys think about that business proposal I sent to y'all? Asked Marcel.

Chris wiped his mouth with a napkin. 

"Man, I most definitely want in. It looks like it'll bring in bank. Instead of paying someone else I can take care of all the legal contracts." Said Chris

"Good  i'm glad you want in. What about you Shawn?" 

Shawn and Ariana were in their own little world talking to each other. They didn't even realize everyone was looking at them.

"Yo Shawn" Yelled Marcel.

Shawn and Ariana both stopped talking and looked up.

"What my nigga? Don't you see us talking" Shouted back Shawn. Ariana giggled. Jade was stunned that Shawn actually yelled at Marcel.  She was not used to anyone yelling at him. Jade loved Marcel,but sometimes he scared her. She hated seeing him mad or pissed because he was so unpredictable.

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