Oneshot: Love Potion

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Words: 2440

Author: Meee

Summary: Blaise and Pansy decided to put a love potion on Draco's juice. Thinking it will make him ridiculously head over heals over Harry. But he didn't act any different at all.

Pansy Parkinson rub both her temples with her fingers to help herself calm down.

'Easy Pansy, it's just Draco' she thought. But for Merlin's sake! Pansy didn't sign up for this. You see Draco asked Pansy, almost pleadingly, if she could stay with him. Of course Pansy being head-over-heels over Draco immediately agreed. She didn't know that Draco wouldn't do anything except probably just talk about Potter!

Potter. Harry Goddamn Potter. It just has to be him won't it? It's probably not new news that Gryffindors and Slytherins both hate each other right? Well not all of them, but half of their population. Potter being a Gryffindor which is enemies with Malfoy who is a Slytherin pretty much started this little 'war'.

Pansy couldn't careless. All she want was Draco. Draco's attention and his affection. She just wants Draco. But she assumed that will never happen huh? Draco's way too preoccupied with Potter. Again Potter. It's always his fault.

"And then he walk passed me without even saying anything!! How rude is that Pansy!?!" Draco glanced at Pansy. "Pansy! Are you listening? I wouldn't want to repeat myself Pansy. Hey listen to me-!!"

Pansy cut Draco off. "Alright! Fine I get it! You hate Potter so fucking much that nothing comes out of your bloody mouth except Potter!!" Pansy snapped.

Draco gasped. Shocked at Pansy's choice of words and her actions. "How dare you speak to me like that!" He asked which sounds more like a statement.

"Seriously Draco, do you even hate him?" Pansy said sounding more sincere and looking Draco in the eyes.

Draco frozed. Of course he hated him. Him as in him Harry Potter. He always hated him. What a stupid question Pansy would ask. Of course he hated him.

"Of course I hate him Pansy! I despise him!!" Draco said a bit exaggerated.

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Whatever Draco, you're lost"

She exits the Slytherins common room hearing Draco's commands about her going back. She doesn't care. Why can't Draco just love her? Love her the way she loves him. Just as Pansy was walking. She bumped into someone. Pansy looked up. It was Blaise.

"Pansy?" He said. "I was just going in. Why the sad face?"

Pansy looked away. "It's Draco" she said. "He said he wanted my company but all he does is talk about Potter nonsense! What em I gonna do with Potter?!!" She said, obviously crying.

Blaise sighed. "Your love for him will always be unrequited huh?"

"Thanks really" Pansy said sarcastically.

"I'm just kidding" Blaise pouted, but then his pout turned into a grin. "But you know, if he makes you feel like this, we can always embarrass him. Y'know, humiliate him" Blaise grinned wriggling his eyebrows.

"Humiliate? Blaise are you mad?!" Pansy asked, though she admit, she wants to know more about Blaise's idea.

"Not really. but if you're up for it, then I'm up for it!" Blaise said.

"Draco will forever hate us!!"

Blaise snickered. "He won't. We're his friends! He can't be mad at us forever"

Pansy laughed. "Your idea sounds mad. Let's do it" she smirked.

"Alright its really easy all we need is a love potion, Draco and something that belongs to Potter"

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