Oneshot: Dates and Confessions

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4093 words in this one shot, oops. More on Blaise x Ron than drarry really, but I hope y'all still give it a shot <33 May everyone stay safe in this pandemic :((

Ever since Harry and Draco got together, Ron had gotten used to seeing Draco just hanging around the Gryffindor common room. Mostly, he's snuggled next to Harry, in to which Ron doesn't really mind... Or at least not anymore. If you pretty much see Malfoy 24/7, then you'll pretty much get used to it by now. After all, Malfoy makes Harry happy. Harry hadn't been this glad and free ever since, y'know, everything. So Ron doesn't really mind Malfoy's presence. What he does mind though, is Malfoy's friends presence. It's one thing to see a particular blond Slytherin in the Gryffindor room, but it's another thing when that blond Slytherin is accompanied by two other Slytherins. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini to be specific.

And what really irks Ron and makes him uncomfortable, is the fact that no one, as in no one, asides him, seems to be bothered by the Slytherins in their supposed Gryffindor only common room. He once walked on to Harry and Draco heatedly snogging each other, and that's normal and all since they're a couple, but Ron still had to fight back a vomit. And then three or four days later, Ron walked up to Hermione and Pansy having a loud girl talk as if they were bestfriends ever since childhood. Ron remembered gasping, and stupidly pointing at the two as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hi Ronald," Hermione smiled and waved.

"Hi," Pansy said, also greeting him. At that moment, Ron wanted to do nothing but kick the Slytherins out of the common room. They're taking away his bestfriends! But Ron didn't do anything. He didn't make any comments, he didn't argue, all he did is just let his friends have their fun. Though he'll be lying if he said he isn't a bit hurt. He just pouted and sulked and let himself sink down on his favorite couch.

"What's the matter?" Ron heard a different voice. Startled, he turned to face the speaker. It was Blaise Zabini. Ron hadn't noticed him near him before, but now that they're talking, Ron definitely notices him now.

"Zabini," he said, sounding more like a disbelief gasp that this particular Italian Slytherin is in fact initiating a conversation with him. Then he realized who he was, and who he was talking to. He's a Weasley, a Gryffindor, and the other is a Zabini, a Slytherin.

"Zabini," he repeated, speaking the name as if it was venom. He has the same face and same tone that he makes whenever they used to greet each other. Now, that's more like it.

But it seems that Blaise isn't bothered by that. In fact, he blinked as if confused by Ron's sudden change of tone, then a few more seconds later, his lips curled up into a sly smirk, and there's something in his eyes and the way he looks at Ron that Ron hopes to just be hatred and disgust... Even though it doesn't look like it. No ma'am, it certainly doesn't.

No high hopes yet though. It isn't something negative, but it isn't love either. Blaise Zabini eyeing Ron with love? Ron shuddered at the thought. It's probably just amusement, that's more believable.

"What's the long face for, Weasley? Girlfriend left you for another girl?" Blaise teased, obviously referring to Pansy and Hermione.

Ron felt his entire face burn in embarrassment. He hates it whenever he blushes, because it's so obvious and noticeable, and the fact that he gets fluttered rather easily doesn't help him at all.

"She's not my-!!" Ron started loudly, but he didn't quite finish. He realized, what's he blushing for anyways? So he let out a sigh before continuing.

"She's not my girlfriend," Ron said, calmer compared to his first outburst.

"Oh?" Blase said, quirking up his left eyebrow. "Really, now?"

"Really," Ron confirmed. Yeah, Hermione's great. Yeah, he may used to have a little crush on Hermione, but no... Hermione certainly doesn't feel the same way. So Ron assumed that it's the best for them to just stay as bestfriends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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