I: I'm not a fish!

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So I'm back to writing oneshots! Its been a while since I last updated this book, I'm sorry for leaving y'guys >.<

This is my first oneshot ever since my very long hiatus, so this is like my comeback chapter?

Since its MerMay, I decided to do a drarry mermaid AU! There will be OCs, but you'll meet with our beloved hp characters soon enough! Ready yourselves cause this will be very long. I hope you all will like it! ❣

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Harry's eyes widen. That was the most beautiful thing the green eyed boy had ever seen. He attempted to make a run for it, just to have a closer look on that thing, but to no avail, it went back to the ocean, before Harry could even say hello.

That was eight years ago. Harry can remember how his nine years old self was dismayed and disappointed that he couldn't even get close to that thing. He also remembered how betrayed he felt when no one, as in no one, believed him, when he told about it to the elders.

Come to think of it, it just doesn't make sense. A supernatural creature, an actual mermaid, washing up to the shores of Nomaj? Sounds really like child's play in everyone's opinion, or at least that's what they told him...

And so Harry believed them. He was nine. At that time, he was the youngest of their group. Perhaps it wasn't impossible for a child like him to have childish imaginations... Or rather delusions.

The sea had always played a huge part in the lives of the people living in Nomaj. It's their source of income, resources, and of course food, so they always had took care of it. Harry on the other hand, felt like there's something more the ocean has to offer. As if there's something more than fishing, and swimming and whatnot. There's something else down there, waiting to be yet discovered. As usual though, no one believed Harry, so if he wants to find something, he has to look for it all on his own...

"Oi Harry, Cruscrow wants to see you," his friend, Jack, called.

Harry showed him a quick smile. "Be there in a minute."

Jack merely nodded. His boyish grin never leaving his face, as he dashed out of Harry's room. Harry made sure that the other boy was gone, before hiding all of his drawings and secret belongings in the deepest part of his closet. Inside was everything that he had reaserached about the ocean for now. He then locked it, just for safety measures.

He met with everyone in their usual pub. It was owned by Cruscrow. The oldest pirate, and probably their leader.

"Ah hoy, Harry! I'm glad you made it!" Cruscrow laughed, clasping a heavy hand on Harry's back.

Harry chuckled. He had gotten used to Cruscrow and his crews' antics. They are pirates. Same with Jack. They drink, cross the sea, hunt for treasures, visit lands, but they're not savages. In fact, if you get to know one, they aren't that bad... But they can be obnoxiously loud sometimes, and the smell, oh god the smell. They smell like a mixture of rotten fish and beer, with a tinge of the saltiness of the ocean.

"What'cha been up to boy? Studying as usual eh?" Fonzie, Cruscrow's bestfriend, said, squeezing Harry's left cheek in the process.

Harry gently shook off the older man's hand away. "I'm studying Marine biology," he answered.

"Studying will get you nowhere, boy! Stinks studied! Look where he is now?! Somewhere in the ocean in a big fat shark's belly!!"

There was a chorus of loud laughter. People around them are starting to stare, annoyed by the pirates' loud mouths, but the Pirates didn't care. They only visit the land once in every four years. Hell, they can be as loud as they want on rare occasions like this. Plus, the pub is owned by their captain himself.

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