Oneshot: Hush

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Words: 1100
Genre: Fluff,, cuz why not

Dating Harry Potter is like riding a bicycle.

They say it's really easy, but for me it's not, for I've never even had one. If this were to be a competition, Potter would be the prize, and I'd be the confused winner who has no idea how the bloody fuck did he win.

Yes, we're dating but at the same time I feel like we kinda aren't? We didn't start out properly, obviously. We started as somewhat 'enemies', and I genuinely think we still are, because if you were to ask me, nothing had really changed?

First of all, I'd like to confirm how we really started.

It was a fine Friday. Potter and I are in detention, for the usual reason, so we were told to clean the whole room without magic. We cleaned in silence, a very awkward and heavy and irritating silence. We managed to finish with our task, but what's the point of being alone with Potter without picking up a fight, right? And so I did.

The usual banter and teasing begun, and suddenly we were throwing fists and landing punches on each other. That annoying git just wouldn't go down without a fight.

Our little 'fist fight' had gotten so worse that I remember being tangled on the floor, pulling on each other's hair, and wrecking the room all over again. And suddenly, fucking suddenly, he was on top of me, pinning me useless on the floor and somewhat we found ourselves kissing?

Yeah, that's how our first kiss went. That fucking bastard. Can't even muster a proper first kiss.

I didn't think much about it... Lies... I thought so much about it that I couldn't properly function because of it.

I kept it a secret, because I know the chaos it would cause if the word, Potter-kissed-Malfoy got out. Fortunately, Potter and I agreed to meet up. I came to the conclusion that avoiding Potter at all cost won't make the problem go away.

So we met up, just after dinner. Neither of us bothered to talk. Either consumed by pride or just utter embarrassment. It was so awkward that I want to make him disappear right on the spot...but at the same time I don't.

"Speak," I ordered, like the bossy idiot I am.

"Well what'd you want me to say?" he asked, like the bloody idiot he is.

"Oh, I don't know, saying why'd you kiss me seems like a good start!"

"Saying why you kissed me back seems to be a better idea."

"You started it!!"

"It was your fault!!"

"How in Merlin's name was it my fault?!"

"You were very inviting. Drawing me in... Like the fucking shit you are."

"Why you-!!"

If I were to be honest, that didn't really end up well. We ended up fighting again, this time with charms and jinxes. I didn't get any answers that night, I think neither of us did. All I know is that something's changed, or at least something is changing.

The day after that, Potter decided that talking face to face just wouldn't work, so we ended up passing notes to each other. Either by owling or magic. Surprisingly, he was right. We were more civil with notes and letters, but if we were to meet in real life, we'd always end up on the ground, fighting.

But with time, we learned to be more humane with each other. We can talk now, in our own little way I suppose. We'd nod at each other, desperately try to avoid fighting, and sometimes we even help each other out in small ways we could muster. Something's changing indeed. Forget my first statement, for we are changing.

One time we coincidentally met up, and we returned back to our dorms without a scratch or so. It was quite weird, I might say. Sure, we'd still exchange insults from time to time, but I supposed we learned to keep our hands to ourselves? The lack of physical contact is driving me mad.

I told Potter about my dilemma, and he just went up to me and straight up started touching me all over.

"You're all tensed, are you okay?" he asked. If I'm not mistaken, that's the tone of 'concern' right there in his voice.

I really want him to go away, fly off to somewhere else for all I care, but at the same time I don't want him to leave... I can't understand myself sometimes, and it's all because of Harry Potter. That fucker.

I managed to nod, thankfully. I can't even speak right now. Potter's still touching me. His palm planted on my chest. My uniform's keeping him from touching me bare though, yet I can still feel his warmth. His hands move up to my neck, and I can feel tingles all over. I'm blushing. My face had gone too hot. I'm fucking blushing because of Harry Potter?! Unacceptable!

"You alright?" he asked.

I nodded.

I'm malfunctioning. I used to be so poised and reserved, but with Potter touching me like this, I just-, I can't!

He then moved his hands up my ears, then pulled. He laughed, telling me I look like a monkey. That's when I got a hold of myself and punched him. He didn't return the punch though, he only laughed it off... And I came to the realization that I'm in love with Potter's laugh.

Is it just Potter's laugh? Or is it Potter himself? I've decided that it was the latter.

One time we were studying together. Alone. In the library. I've been telling him subtle hints about my feelings, but I swear on Merlin's name, Harry Potter is one stupid motherfucker.

"I don't hate you anymore," I confessed.

He smiled, "I like you too."

And I think that's how we got together. There's no straight to the point statements like; "Will you be my boyfriend?" or stuffs like that. I told him I don't hate him and he told me he likes me, that's something right?

"Hey," Potter gently greeted as he place a kiss on my forehead. I was quick to push him away of course.

"Did I tell you to kiss me?"

"Stop pretending you don't like it."

Why yes, I do like it when you kiss me Potter, but I'll be damned before I say that out loud. Communication is something needed in relationships I guess, yet somehow I think we're working out fine. Whatever we have right now, I think I'm contented with that.

"Switch your treacle tart for my butterscoth bars?" he asked.

Yep, I'm definitely contented with what we have right now.

"Just do whatever."

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