OneShot: Friends

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Words: 1825

Author: meeee

Summary: Where Harry meets with the Malfoys first instead of the Weasleys

Harry turn around to look for Hagrid once more. Seems that he left. Harry keep on looking for 9 3/4 but Harry can't find it. As he was looking around, he saw a family of blonds walking near him. It's the boy he met from the robe shop earlier. Harry frowned. He remember the bad things the boy had said. Things he shouldn't say.

The boy though, walks toward him with a frown full of regret. "Hey... I'm sorry from what I said earlier... I'm being dumb" he mumbled.

Harry smiled at the boy, his perspective quickly changing. Perhaps that this boy is actually good. "It's alright. You're a wizard too aren't you?"

The boy brighten when Harry immediately accepted his apology. He nodded at Harry's question. "Yes I'm a wizard as well" he said with a smile. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" Draco offered his hand for Harry to shake, which Harry immediately take.

"I'm Harry-" Harry said shaking Draco's arm. Though he didn't finish his sentence.

"Potter" Draco finished for Harry. "Harry Potter. The whole wizarding world knows who you are geez Harry" Draco said with a playful grin.

"Really? I'm not quite used to it" Harry replied disbelief heard in his tone.

"Well you have too. Surviving the killing curse and all" Draco said.

Harry chuckled at this. Both boys didn't even realize that they're still shaking each other's hand. They're too preoccupied staring at each other and laughing. Narcissa coed at the view. Her baby Draco is finally making a friend! And it's not just any other friend- it's Harry Potter! The boy who lived!

Lucius leaned in Narcissa's ear. "Look Narcissa. Do you know how much of a benefit it is if Draco managed to befriend Harry Potter?" Lucius said with an evil grin.

Narcissa rolled her eyes at her husband. She then swatted him away. "Don't you dare corrupt this Lucius! Our son is finally making a friend!"

"You think this is adorable" Lucius mumbled which earned a slapped from Narcissa. "Hey!" He hissed.

Narcissa just rolled her eyes. She then turn to Draco and Harry who's still shaking hands. Her face immediately soften. She coughed to get the boys attention. Both boys turn to her.

"Let's go, you wouldn't wanna miss the train wouldn't you?" She said with a smile. "You first Draco"

Draco then turn back to Harry then let go of his hand. He admits, it feels lonely with his hand like this. Draco ran towards a wall and before you knew it, he's gone.

Harry's eyes widen in amusement and fear. "The wall ate him!" He said with such horror.

Narcissa can't help but laugh. "No dear, it's like a portal"

Harry blinked in realization. "Oh" was the only thing he said.

"C'mon Narcissa, the boy is obviously an idiot" Lucius said.

Narcissa glared at Lucius. "You go, I'll take Harry with me"

With a sigh of defeat, Lucius went after Draco. Narcissa then grab Harry's hand. She turn to him with a comforting smile. "Ready?" She asked.

Excited, Harry nodded. The feeling of traveling through a portal still feels weird for Harry. Despite that though, he enjoyed it. Harry saw Draco on the train already.

"Harry!" Draco called.

The train starts moving so Harry and Narcissa had to ran. Draco stretched his arm out so Harry could grab it. Harry also have his arm stretched. Despite what's going on, two boys managed to laugh as if they're playing.

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