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"Casey, if anyone needs me, am out. Don't call okay?"I shouted as I was heading for the door to find my man. "Hey"Casey called out, "am alone, Brad's coming over with 'movies' I'll be fine". "Don't fuck on my bed like last time ok?"I threatened "I promise"she said rolling her eyes.
        "Hey babe" I greeted him and he kissed me on the cheeks. "I'll get the door babe."what a gentleman.
      "So,"he said, "tell me about Monday and today, don't miss a detail"
"Well Monday." I paused remembering Ponce, dancing with him, grinding on him, the blank parts he told me, my imagination of the night. What would I say really?. Ok Alicia, your a lawyer, you can lie easily. "I failed to find him, I was given free drinks and quick entrance"I said calmly and normally even though I was lying. HOE! "And Ursula?"he asked, "I need to check on her"I said laughing. "Just don't go there, I'll be the one to check,I'm worried you'll get killed"he said holding my hand from across the table. "Look Jerome,I know you care for me and all, but I'll be fine babe, I'll be just okay okay, and plus, I can't have you hurt like ok" I said sounding a bit too concerned.
        "Hold on,I have a phone call" I said while moving away
"So you like your men black huh?" Ponce! "I tried to call you but...." I said happy, his not a one night stander, "I was busy, the hospital and all, I put my phone off". Should I tell him that St. Jude ain't real or not?. I decided not to tell him, "ooh...I get you"I replied. LIAR!. "How do you know who am with?" I asked. "I'm every were, I'll see you and you won't" he said, abit too in a scary way. "I'm joking, I guessed"he said laughing . "Oh thank God, I was abit scared"I said relieved. "I'll see you Thursday" I said "enjoy your date" he said I'm that scary voice. Again!
      "Who was that?"Jerome asked. "A friend" I replied. Hoping his not suspecting anything. "So about what went down in the office. " he said looking at me knowing I'd blush. "Wanna do it again?" He asked "of course, but at my apartment not some fancy-ass white people restaurant. You know these people act all 'am up and you down' like they don't fifty shade no one"I said matter of factly. "Eat quickly then,"he said putting up a smile.
     Only if he knew how bad I wanted to tell him about Ponce, the night I don't remember, my suspicions of this new person in my life, oh how I want to tell him, "maybe I should" I thought to myself. But when I tried to open my mouth, I couldn't even speak, I'd just stuff more food in my mouth. "Vodka?"he asked pouring some in my ice-filled glass knowing how much I love vodka "of course"I said smiling. "I wanna make a toast," he said lifting his glass. I lifted mine up in response. "To us"he said, "And to the future, I hope we last" I toasted. Oh vodka! Whatever in the world you do to me, keep doing it. It had that rich crispy taste, like milk and fire going down your throat slowly and still quickly. Amazing!.
    "How have you found the place?"he asked in the car. "It was amazing, uptight, good air conditioning, I loved it, as much as I love you" I said abit tired "well I want to buy it and put under your name"he said looking at me "as a birthday gift". "No"I said quickly "don't buy it please, I don't want to be responsible for loss of any of your money" I said knowing if he finds out about Ponce, it might go wrong. "I don't care, I love you" he said while putting his free hand up my skirt. Yes!.
"I want to take you now" he said as his hand was working it's way nudging on my panties. "Park the car" I said in between moans. He slowly parked the car on the sidewalk and motioned me to go to the back. To make things faster, I climbed to the back, he moved out and entered the back. So formal. He then locked all the doors and went on top of me. Kissing me and grabing me roughly yet so gently."how does he do it?" My insides asked while singing in unison. His coat was already off so that was easy. This time it had to be done fast. It would be a shame if the D.As of Miami were found making love in a car yet they are the ones trying to ban it so I ripped of his shirt and vest at the same time. He pulled up my dress and when he was about to pull off my panties, someone shot the car. AGH!  they spoiled the moment. "We better get going"he said while moving to the front though the car "am sorry about the shirt"I said shyly. "It's okay, we were lost in a moment"he said breathing heavily "I told you to drop the case." His tone changed. "I can't, I have to help him. Let's go home"
        Stupid cartels, they had to just spoil the moment. Reaching home, he had the look I'm his eyes that said "I want you". "Come in" I said when we had reached my door . "Of course I was coming in"he said opening the door.
              In the apartment, he took off his ripped shirt and unbuckled his belt. "Let's go slow now"he whispered in my ear and kissed me passionately. He then slowly laid me down on the chair. "Casey's around babe" I said abit worried. "Let's give her show" he whispered back. I then reached down for the zipper of his pants and undid it leaving him in his boxers. He looks delicious. He then went for my dress and he slowly removed it from my body sending assive chills down my spine. "Open your legs"he whispered in my ear. I couldn't even bother hesitating. His voice was commanding yet peaceful at the same time. It was enough to leave you moistened.
      He slipped into me and out slowly but keeping a steady rhythm with only three words coming out of his mouth "I LOVE YOU" those three words were enough to light up my entire world and set me in a daze, "Come for me" he hissed. That's it, I couldn't hold it. It was too much, "oh shit" I screamed, "my back". I came so hard it affected my back, my reminder of a lost love, why now. Damn. "What's wrong?" Jerome asked while coming out of me, he was done. "My backaches so bad, help me get my pills" I said crying. "Were are they?"
"They are in the drawer under that table," I said while trying to point at the table in the living room.
"Here you go" he said while giving me two tablets, "let me get some water, hold on"he said moving to the kitchen on his boxers. In a split second,  he came back with a glass full of water "here, take your pills"he said while putting the pills I'm my mouth. I was too weak to sit, all I could do was cry. "So much for date night!" Fired my insides furiously. "I'll take you to bed okay" he said while lifting me up. I know the backache was too massive but it was worth the pain because the pleasure was 101%

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