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So today is the day I meet Karen and have my first date with my new boyfriend. I honestly won't tell him about last night and how I failed to do what o wanted to....."morning" Ponce said after moving out of the shower. What's he doing here? "What are you doing here?" I asked shocked. "Damn!,you remember nothing?"he asked laughingly "what happened?" I said looking down, I'm naked and exhausted, Jesus Christ No!. "You we're really good last night though"he said smiling, "a little rough, but good. I have to admit we should do it again". "No no no" I shouted, I feel like a prostitute am not the one night stand type. Am a girlfriend! "Am sorry, this was a mistake" I said regretfully. "Well if you want to do this again, give me call, my number is saved in your phone"he said coming closer. I noticed something on him rather familiar, the tattoo on his shoulder. "King!"I couldn't hold my thoughts. His going to kill me. "Who is that?"he asked staring at me blankly. "I know of no one with such a name"he started to sound angry . "Am sorry, it's just that your tatoo...". "It's ok, I've been caught by the feds like twice calling me 'the king', am a doctor for craps sake". "A doctor were?"I asked. "St. Jude's hospital, it's a small hospital out of town. Well it's mine, out of town"his an entrepreneur, interesting. "Am sorry, I'll make it up to you" I said feeling ashamed. "How about dinner, Thursday, my place" he said. "That sounds ayt" I replied.
So I have date on Thursday for being am offensive bitch, ok that's cool "Platinum One Apartments, somewhere near La Hacienda like five blocks away, it's a pent house".what's with me and rich men? I asked myself. "Time"
"Cool" I said moving to the bathroom, I need to go to work.
At work, I find Jerome in my office, "where were you last night?"he asked "I was worried". "I was out with Ursula" I replied having no guilt. I don't remember so he might as well have lied . "You know your witness, the driver, he got a threat note from 'the king' and I got a note from him too."he said sounding worried
"Can I see the note?" I asked abit scared. From his pocket he pulled out a yellow sticky paper. I'm going to fuck your girl and kill her. This is a warning. Strike one, if she keeps interfering, I'll kill her and all you love. "Shit, Jerome am sorry for putting you in this, I'll make sure I get him"I said reassuringly. "You look amazing" he said after making a whole inspection. "Go work baby,"I said while touching his coat. "Your leading me on Miss" he said before kissing me and moving out.
Ok now am alone, I have to research on Ponce, but how can I research on him when I only know one name. "I'll ask him" I said remembering he gave me his number. "Shit, it's off, "I exclaimed, his suspicious, I don't know why. The tatoo of the dragon, is it the one. He had blonde hair, but Carlos said he tints it. This is whack.
I then hear my phone buzz. Is it him? Please be him, maybe I was wrong. Checking my phone it's not only a dissapointment but a horror, Karen! "UGH FUCK NO BITCH OUT OF MY LIFE PLEASE!" I shouted at the phone like she was on the line.
"Hey Karen"I said forging joy when I picked up
"Hey, about our catch up, is your lunch break long?"she asked
"It's one hour and......". "Thank God"she sighed "we really need to talk, like bad, and it might take a while"
"That's ok, am not that busy, just trying to get more info for the case" I'm now curious
"Ok so about the case, how far?" She inquired "I have a small lead" I replied. Beyond that, there was serious silence between us. "Ok see you in a few hours. Bye" I said hanging up. What's that she wants to tell me? If it's the engagement, I already know and I don't care well I can't wait for lunch.
It reached lunch time, thank God, at least I found out something, Jerome wants a recap of last evening and Ponce, I can't find him on the net not even his hospital, but the platinum apartment, it's real, surprise. I grab my car keys and rush to the parking lot to go for my lunch. In the car, I find a bouquet of dead roses with a small note. "Your dead baby, you dont know who your messing with I know you all the way through but you don't know me" ok this is some shit, I have a feeling Ponce is some were in this. I drive off to the coffee terrace, most expensive in the whole of Florida, typical Karen, she now acts rich.
Reaching the coffee terrace, I find Karen there already waiting for me, her face looks plain like she's got nothing for me. I think she does though. "Hey Karen, sorry I kinda delayed" I said while sitting down. "It's okay, it's actually good, I was able to get a breath for the news"she said, okay now she sounds like she's panicking
"How have been of late?" She asked"I've been trying to calk but I had no courage to"
"Well you took my man, what courage don't you have?"I asked angrily. "Remain calm, you have a man now"my insides told me. "I thought that was in the past" she whinned. "It happened right?"I fired back. It's time to let it out. "Alicia listen I........". "Oh hell no, listen to me now. I loved Ashton and you knew that, I was in pain and you knew that but yo still ran away together, least you could have done was be brave enough and hit me up but it took you three months to, and to think you were my friend. Best friend moreover you were nothing but a cheap ratchet paper chasing whore who opens her legs for any dollar, no wonder you were stuck as a waitress in that bar we worked in in collage while everyone else you knew was getting rich. In fact, thank you so much for this chat, at least I could tell you how I feel about your little stunu with Ash, yes, I called him that. BTW, if he really loved you, he would have told you that he fucked me in his car and told me about his cold feet. "I finally stopped, I feel much better, the therapist was right.
"Waiter, I need water," I shouted knowing that it's a classy white restaurant, but my backache waits for no one. "See what he did to me, backaches, medicine and a broken heart, have a nice marriage" I said pissed. Stupid backaches! Ever since I got out of hospital. "You know what Alicia, I wish you knew that it was him who came up to me."she said with tears flowing down her face, he asked me, he lured me, he slept with me and I, I couldn't handle and I fell, I fell hard". "I honestly don't care about you and your falling," I blew back "you can say no. Don't take your friend's man mostly when she's in need. You ain't no real friend I.....". "Shut up"she screamed interrupting me, "I wanted to apologise, invite you for the engagement and here's your invitation for the wedding," she said crying. "I'm sorry you felt that way, but you always knew my ambitions to be rich, and I didn't graduate. I just want a happy life were I enjoy wealth without working. I'll love him slowly, it's only been a year and a half, please. "
"So wait, you don't like Ashton?" I asked abit releaved "No"she replied "but my mum needs money for chemotherapy and you know dad's on his death bed, I need the money. Please understand"she wailed. I didn't know that Karen's parents were in such a bad state, if I did, I think I wouldn't have fired. I hope they get well soon and I bless your marriage." I said feeling like a bitch.
"It's okay,"she said wiping away her tears, "at least you had time to tell me. Plus, I want you to speak on my wedding"she said shaking a little "if you want that is". "I'll see" I said, abit hurt.
"I'll pay the bill," she said while pulling out a black card. "Ok then"
"You still take that medicine?" She asked looking abit disgusted. "Have a problem with that?" I asked sounding harsh. Sorry man. "No it's not that, it's just that I thought you would be healed by now"she replied abit scared. "Hope to see you at the engagement party " she said while standing up. Well, that went not so well, but it's done. Back to work. Next up, date night

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