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"Hermione its time" Draco says gravely from my door. He is wearing a black tux and dress shoes. I take a deep breathe before turning around in my black dress.

He sighs when he sees my blood shot eyes and the dark purple bags that droop under my eyes. What can I say I haven't been able to sleep since to war ended. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw flashes of George and Theo dying.

Draco grabs my hand and we walk down the hall. Theo's funeral is today. George's is tomorrow. It has been 2 days since we beat the order. My dad was the new minister of magic. Which meant he was never home.

Fred had been locked in his room just like Ginny, Blaise, and I. This was the first day any of us left our rooms. The victory of winning was drowned out by the lose of my brothers. While everyone else was partying the Malfoy house was locked away in grief.

We finally reached the garden where the funeral would take place in. I sat down next to Blaise and stared at the coffin sitting in front of me blankly. People began to file in and I tensed when Joseph walked in. He no longer had the privilege of being called my father.

I looked up and noticed the dark clouds. Dark clouds to match the dark moods. As a ministry official walked to the front of the garden to begin the ceremony, it began to rain. Nobody questioned why Blaise, Draco, and I were the only three not to put up a drying charm.

"Theodore Nott was a wonderful person who was taken to early" the official begins.

"Riddle" I blurt out.

"What" the official asks confused.

"His name was Theodore Riddle" I repeat. He nods and continues the ceremony now referring to him as Theodore Riddle.

I lay my head on Blaise's shoulder and he lays his head on mine. I don't cry. I'm out of tears. He doesn't either. As the ceremony ends and they start to lower the casket into the ground. I break. I don't cry, I don't scream. I just stand there, emotionlessly.

I get judging looks from people I don't even know. I know what their thinking. What girl doesn't cry at her own brother's funeral. When it ends everyone apparates away. Except the ones that live here. Theo is now buried in the Malfoy family plot.

I just stand there, staring. I feel a pull on my hand and I look over to Draco. "Come on Hermione" he says. I follow him back to the manor. Not speaking. No noise exits my mouth. Silence surrounds us.

When we get back. I walk straight past the very pregnant Narcissa and the solemn Lucius. Past the emotional Bella and the supportive Rudolphus. Past the distraught Tonks. Past all of then and back to my room. Just like the other three who lost a sibling.

5, its only 5 o'clock. I sit there staring into nothingness. Until the house elf brings me supper. I stand up, open my window, and toss my food out. I close my window and sit. I know this isn't healthy. But I can't do anything else. I have no motivation.

As I hear the clock strike 9 I stand up and go to bed.

When I wake up the next afternoon. I once again put on my black dress and jewelry. Wondering why I am even trying. Today I don't wait for Draco. I leave my room on my own. When I reach the gardens I sit in the back. I can't be in the front again.

Ginny and Blaise enter. They go to the front. Ginny clutches Blaise's hand as she stares at the coffin holding her brother. Fred and Tonks enter next. Fred's face looks like mine. Empty and full of pain at the same time. They sit next to Ginny and Blaise.

I sink down in my seat when Draco enters. I need to be alone. I know he sees me but he must sense my need for space so he goes to sit with his parents.

As it starts I realize I can't sit through this again. When I'm sure nobody is looking I slip out. I run into the library and grab a handful of floo powder. I go to the place where I know I can get some peace and quiet. Home.

I land in my old house. I make my way up to my room and into my old room. I see the picture of Ron, Harry, and I by the lake. I grab it and throw it against the wall. The sound it makes is satisfying. I keep throwing things.

My vision goes red and I lose track of time. Tears blur my vision as I destroy my room. I hear the door burst open and I'm pulled into someone's arms. "Hermione calm down, I'm here" Draco whispers into my ear.

He picks me up and carries me to the floo. We go through and we're back at malfoy manor. "

"What happened" Narcissa gasps.

"I found her sobbing in the middle of her destroyed room" Draco answers.

They talk about things that I don't listen to in my daze. I feel my mouth being opened and a potion run down my throat. My eyes start to droop and I fall asleep.

Hey guys. This is the sequel to Hermione the Deatheater. This will follow them after the war and how they are dealing with the loses of Theo and George. Also thank you MrsKymberlyMalfoy for the great cover. I loved them all.
Thanks for reading:-)

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