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Bill's P.O.V

I had messed up everything in my life but for once I was going to do something good. I look up at the gigantic building in front of me. I walk in and look around.

"How nice of you to join us" a voice drawls from behind me.

"Im not here for you, where's the prisoners" I sneer.

"So what's your plan" he asks. He's wasting my time.

"They have some information I want" I explain annoyed.

"Well I'll show you to their cells and then leave you to it" he smirks walking down a set of stairs. I follow behind him down the extensive staircase. Finally we get to the bottom. I see cell after cell.

"This is the girl" he says pointing to a door close to the stairs.

"That's the boy" he says pointing at a door a little way down the hall. I thank him and he heads back up the stairs.

I open the door to Hermione's cell and walk in. She's laying on the ground but when she sees me she backs up against the wall. "I'm not here to hurt you so you can calm down" I tell her leaning against a wall.

"Why should I believe you" she spits out.

I hear a stair creek from the staircase. "Scream" I command,

"Why?" she asks.

"Just do it" I complain. She stares at me for a minute before letting out a blood curdling scream. I hear the sounds of someone going back up the stairs.

"Drink this" I instruct throwing a potion at her. She grabs it and looks up at me suspiciously.

"Oh my lord it's a healing potion" I exclaim.

She takes the top off and smells. "If I wanted to kill you I would have done it already" I groan. Not smelling anything poisonous she takes a sip. When nothing happens she chugs the whole bottle.

"Blaise" she croaks out in her hoarse voice.

"I'm going to his cell next" I reply. She nods before closing her eyes and falling asleep. Maybe I put a little sedative in the potion but I felt she probably needed it.

I lock her door behind me and make my way over to Blaise. I duck as soon as I open the door and a glass shatters against the wall behind me. "Could you not do that" I ask.

"Killer" he exclaims.

"You and your sister are a lot alike, you know that" I say ignoring his statement.

"Why did she scream" he says through ground teeth.

"Because I told her to" I reply.

"I don't believe you" he hisses.

"I try to do one nice thing" I mutter.

"Nice? You're not nice, I bet your happy that your brother's dead" he accuses. I'm in front of him in two strides.

I shove him up against the stone wall. "Don't talk about George" I snap.

"Why do you care" he chokes out.

"Just because he was on this side didn't mean I didn't love him" I exclaim. He looks shocked and I back up.

"Drink this healing potion" I say throwing it to him. I close the door behind me and lock it. I go upstairs wave goodbye to the host and apparate to my next stop. I look around the fer- I mean Draco's room.

I hear footsteps so I quickly leave my note on his bed and apparate away back to my base.

Draco's P.O.V

I walk into my room to see a note laying on my bed. I look around to see if anyone's still there. Whoever it was was gone so I pick up the note to read it.

They are at Zabini manor

I run out of my room and towards the room of my mother and father. More hopeful then I had been in days.

I know I suck. I didn't even finish the 1 update a day for week but I do have a reason. I don't want to give you guys bad chapters. I don't just want to give you guys a ton of filler chapters. I know you like action and stuff going on. So I hope you guys aren't mad. Plus one more thing this book is going to be a lot shorter than Hermione the Deatheater. I'm actually pretty sure I'm ending this book in a few more chapters I just thought you guys would want to know. Thank you for reading(-:

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