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Hermione's P.O.V

I glare up at him as he walks into my cell. "Your brother is quite annoying" he declared walking in.

"Why is he not telling you how to get to Hera either" I sneer. I double over as he kicks me in the stomach.

"That was uncalled for" I gasp.

"Now now that is no way to be" she smirks walking in and standing next to him.

"Traitor" I hiss. Her smirk drops. She walks over and crouches down to eye level.

"I'm not the one with that carved into my back" she growls.

My head is suddenly throbbing with pain. He's using legilimency. I only know enough occlumency to block the part of my mind that knows how to get to Hera. "I see your still dating the Malfoy boy" he remarks.

"Don't touch him" I grind out. I grind my teeth as he chuckles.

"Hera really is an adorable baby" I clench my fists.

"Now those are not pg names to be calling me, Mione" he chastises.

"I only speak the truth" I reply. He twists his wand and the pain in my head increases until it's unbearable. I scream.

He takes off the spell. I collapse onto the floor immediately. He bends down next to my ear. "I'm going to go see if Blaise enjoyed that" he whispers. They both walk out crackling. I just close my eyes and fall asleep.

I open my eyes to the unpleasant feeling of an owl pecking my hand. Then I realize there is and owl and I bolt up. Raven looks up at me annoyed. She holds a peace of paper in her beak.

I carefully unravel it.

Dear Hermione
I know this probably won't find you but if it does I just want to know if you ok. If this finds you please write back with the muggle device in Ravens pouch. I love you Mione.
Love Draco

I smile hopefully and grab the pencil out of Ravens pouch. I flip the paper over and begin to write.

Dear Draco
I'm fine. I don't know about Blaise I'm not in the same cell as him. Warn Lucius and Narcissa that they are after Hera.
Love Hermione

I quickly end the letter and send it back with Raven. Seconds later steps are coming towards my cell this can't be good.

Draco P.O.V

I lay in bed knowing better to hope that Raven will come back with anything other than what I sent. I hear pecking at my window. I open the window for Raven. She flies in and lands on my desk. I sigh seeing it's the same letter I wrote.

I lay back down in my bed. I close my eyes but open them when Raven lands on my chest. She keeps pecking my face until I take the letter from her. She looks content with herself and flies back to my desk.

I open the letter and that's when I notice the writing on the back. I turn it over.

Dear Draco
I'm fine. I don't know about Blaise I'm not in the same cell as him. Warn Lucius and Narcissa that they are after Hera.
Love Hermione

I drop the letter in shock. I quickly jump up and sprint to my parents room. I knock on the door until they yell at me to come in. "What was so important that you had to practically break down our door" my father asks with a raised eyebrow.

I shove the letter into his hand. A small smile makes its way onto his face. "She's ok" he whispers. My mother smiles and pulls him into a hug. They quickly break their hug to go to the nursery and put up every protection ward ever created.

"There you go. Nobody will ever hurt you" I say to a sleeping Hera. I walk out of her room and back to mine. Clutching the letter in my hand I sit in my chair and read the letter over and over.

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