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I wake up and instantly bolt into the bathroom. I empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I groan and lay down on the cool bathroom floor. Great, I'm sick.

I lay there for a minute before pulling myself up and taking a shower. I get out and put on a fresh pair of pajamas. I brush my teeth to get rid of the disgusting taste in my mouth and head back to my room. I lay in my bed and cuddle under the blankets.

There's a knock at my door and I just groan in reply. Fred opens it and sighs. "You sick" he asks.

I nod and look up at him with a pouty face. "I feel icky" I whine.

"Well I don't want to be infected so I'm staying over here" he says from the door.

I blow my breath at him and he runs out the door screeching. Narcissa comes in a few minutes later to check my temperature. "101.3 definitely sick" she tells me.

I nod. "Get some sleep" she instructs before leaving. I close my eyes as the door closes.

I look down the seemingly endless hallway. I see someone in the distance. I run towards the person. As I get closer I realize it's Draco. I reach him only to see blood covering his stomach. "Why didn't you save me" he says his eyes wide. He collapsed to the floor.

Suddenly George and Theo are standing in front of me. George has a knife in his stomach and Theo's eyes are lifeless and he is limp. "Why didn't you save us Hermione" the ask.

"I tried" I sob.

More and more of the people I love surround me. My adoptive parents, Draco, Blaise, Ginny, Tonks, Fred, Narcissa, Lucius, Hera, Bella, Rudolphus and my dad. They are all chanting "why didn't you save us Hermione" they repeat over and over.

Theo leans down to me. "It's your fault I'm dead" he whispers.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I sob over and over. They get louder and louder until I have to scream to block them out.

"Hermione" Hermione" HERMIONE"

I jolt up sobbing. I cling on to Bella as I sob. "I didn't mean to" I say over and over.

"Didn't mean to do what Hermione" she asks me gently.

"I didn't mean to kill them" I whisper.

"Kill who" she inquires.

"Theo and George" I mumble.

"You didn't kill them" she exclaims.

"I did because if it wasn't for me they never would have joined the Deatheaters and they wouldn't be dead" I yell.

"If it wasn't for you half of us would be dead" she replies.

"If it wasn't for me maybe no one would be dead" I mutter.

"ITS NOT YOUR FAULT" she screams. My eyes widen and I look up at her.

"Nothing that happened is your fault. It was the Order it was all the Order now stop blaming yourself" she snaps.

She leaves my room and I sit there for a minute before I get nauseous again and I sprint to the bathroom.

Hermione the SurvivorWhere stories live. Discover now