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I sit at the table eating lunch with the rest of the manor. Ginny had left to go to Hogwarts. "Hermione why do you have a bald spot on the side of your head" Blaise asks suddenly.

"Well when your head gets burned with a wand, sometimes it takes your hair with you" I answer before taking a bite of my food.

"Ok" he goes back to his food.

"Why are my brothers such jerks" Fred grumbles.

"Jerky parents turn into jerky kids" Rudolphus answers. I feed some of my chicken to Nyx who is under the table. She purrs and meows.

"Must it be in here when we eat" Lucius whines.

"Yes she gets lonely" I answer.

He's about to respond but it interrupted by an explosion. Hera starts to cry in her seat. "How did they find us" Narcissa exclaims.

"I don't know come on. If you are under the age of twenty go to the secret bunker now" he yells.

I sigh but grab Hera and run towards the bunker. Blaise is carefully helping Draco. I hear the sounds of a fight and start to worry. When we reach the room we hurry down the stairs.

Blaise helps Draco to sit down. I look at Blaise and we both nod. "Stop it with that twin telepathy" Draco groans.

"Sorry Draco" I tell him.

"Why are you so-" I interrupt him by handing him Hera and running upstairs Blaise right behind me.

"HERMIONE, BLAISE STOP" he yells. I ignore him and push open the door. I let Blaise out and we close the door. We do some spells so that no one can get in and run towards the sound of fighting

I see Tonks up against two rebel soldiers and run over to help her. Together we kill them both. "Will you listen to the rules for once" she snaps.

"Nope" I reply running off to help Fred.

For all of them we kill, more take their place. "STOP" Bill yells. Great, I had enough of him for the day. He's like a parasite that won't go away. He's holding his wand to Blaise's head as he struggles.

"Drop your wands all of you" he adds. I glare as I drop my wand to the ground. I hear the clatter of the others wands hitting the ground. I feel someone grab both my arms and hold me in place.

All the others are in a similar situation. "Well, well, well looks like I've got you where I want you. Now I'm only missing two things. The Malfoy children" he smirks.

"Where are they" he growls.

"Maybe their hidden on top of that big stick up your butt" Blaise suggests. I groan, he's such an idiot.

He yelps and I'm guessing he was burned with the wand. "Anyone else got any smart comments because if they do they can end up like Theodore" he hisses.

I tense at the mention of his name. It takes all my will power not to lunge forward and snap his neck. "Did that hit a nerve" he asks me. I glare at him in response.

He chuckles and turns back to everyone. "Now I'm gonna ask one more time where are the Malfoy children" he seethes.

Everyone stays silent. "Fine you asked for it" he growls.

"CRUCIO" the spell hits Blaise full force in the chest. He screams and it feels like I'm being torn apart from the inside. I close my eyes and try to block it out.

Still nobody gives up their location. Bill nods his head and Tonks's screaming joins Blaise's. I can hear Fred start to sob. When still nobody speaks up Fred joins. The three of them screaming makes me want to rip my ears off just so I don't have to hear it anymore.

My face is wet with tears as I try to get out of the hands of the rebel. Narcissa is added next and then Lucius. The screaming is deafening. Thank goodness I put a silencing spell on the room that Draco and Hera are in.

I feel numb as Bella and Rudolphus are both put under the spell. Their voices in my dream chanting it's all your fault find its way into my brain. Until my screams join the others as I'm put under the curse for the millionth time.

Their interrupted by the battle cry of thousands of Deatheaters. Led by my father. They charge at the remaining rebels who quickly disapperate. Including Bill.

Blaise's P.O.V

Pain. That's all I feel. It's like I was set on fire then extinguished then set on fire again. I can barely hear my father calling my name. "Blaise talk to me are you ok" is all I can make out. I groan

"ouch" it uses up all the energy I have left and I fall asleep.

When I wake up again it's dark and Bella is sitting by my bed. She looks like she can barely hold herself up.

"Wanted to make sure you were ok" she forces out.

"Im ok" my voice is cracked and strained it hurts to talk.

"How is everyone" I ask.

"Narcissa and Lucius are both asleep their both ok. Rudolphus is ok and asleep too. Hera and Draco are fine they were never found. Tonks and Fred are shaken a little injured but they'll be ok" she answers.

"What about Hermione" I question her.

She sighs  "well currently she is rocking back and forth saying that this is all her fault over and over. Nothing anyone says is helping" she replies.

"Let me try" I suggest.

"It couldn't hurt. She's in her room" she tells me. I slowly get out of bed and wobble my way to her room. I hear her as soon as I open the door. Draco is asleep on the chair.

I sit next to her on her bed. Her eyes are completely glazed over and she looks broken. It's hurts me to see her this way. "Hermione it's not your fault. No one blames you and we're all really worried about you" I tell her. I see no difference.

This is gonna call for the big guns. "Fine then I'm gonna throw your books out the window" I say.

I hear a small grunt come from her direction. "Maybe I'll even get in another fight with Fred" I add. This causes her leg to move.

Well then I get to have some fun. I levitate her off of her bed and into her bathroom. I float her into the bathtub. Then with a flick of my wrist I turn the shower on freezing cold.

She screeches and bolts out of the bath. "C-c-cold-d" her teeth chatter.

"It worked" I say with a smirk. She glares at me as her clothes drip water. Draco crutches his way into the bathroom. He looks at the sight in front of him and prices together what happened.

"Mm ok I'm going back to bed" he says giving a thumbs up.

"Blaise" I turn to look at Hermione. Just to be enveloped in a cold wet hug.

"I'm glad your ok" she whispers.

"I'm glad your ok too sissy" I say with a smile.

Hermione the SurvivorWhere stories live. Discover now