chasing cars

93 11 0


we'll do do it all,


on our own.

we don't need,


or anyone.

- snow patrol


It's two days since I became friends with Michael and Ashton, it's felt like I've known them for years and years. I wake up and groan. I roll out of bed and fall onto the hard floor, causing myself to wake up properly. I get up and run my fingers through my hair before going to the bathroom and having a shower. I go downstairs and jump.

"Sorry love, I should've told you I was coming. I made you breakfast," My Aunt said, standing in the kitchen with bacon and eggs on a plate.

"Oh my god! I've been dying without real food!" I said running over to the plate and started to eat the bacon. My aunt owned a restaurant, so she often brought nice food home to me.

"How have you been going?" She asks.

"Really good," I smiled.

"No, you know what I mean," She can see straight through me most times.

"No I'm actually really good, I made some friends! Actually they're picking me up for school today, I should get ready," I say as I scoop up my last mouthful of egg, in my fork.

"I thought I could drive you," She said.

"You would?" I ask. She nods.

"Oh my god. That'd be great!" I run upstairs and text Ashton to tell him not to pick me up.

I liked when my Aunt dropped me off to school.


The bell for lunch goes and I quickly walk to my locker and go to my bag to grab my lunch. I waited for Ashton and Michael to get out of class so we could go out to the oval to eat lunch. That's where we normally ate.

"Hey cutie, how was maths?" Ashton asks me.

"It was good," I say as he pinches my cheeks.

"How on earth is maths good?" Ashton asks putting his books into his bag and getting out a sandwich.

"I don't know. Just someone in my class," I say.

"Ooh, who is it?" He says, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Uhh, it's no one," I say. I can't tell him it's Luke. Ashton and Luke hate each other to bits.

"Come on you can tell me!" He says as we walk onto the oval.

"No, I-"

Ashton's phone started to ring. He answered it, "Hello? ... What where are you? ... haha sucker ... ooh ... okay cya."

He put away his phone.

"That was Mikey, he got held back in music and won't be coming out for lunch," He frowned.

We sat down in the very middle of the oval, groups of people sitting around us.

"So Ashton. I never heard what your story was," I say.

"My story? Okay well my story is this," He swallowed a bit food in his mouth and started talking. "So I used to be really great friends with Calum Hood, Luke best friend, and one day Michael started at our school and he got put next to me in English or something. Anyway, I invited him to sit with us, cause he had no friends, but Calum didn't like Michael, at all. So Calum got a new friend, Luke. And Calum, the guy I could trust my life with, made up a rumour that I was gay and was dating Michael. It's not true by the way, neither me or Michael are gay. But yeah, it hurt that my best friend did that to me."

I frowned. "That's no way to treat a friend."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, well I'm just really surprised he didn't tell everyone all of my secrets. Like some of them Michael doesn't even know, like Michael's my brother."

"Why don't you tell him?" I ask.

"Because I'm too scared. To tell him, to tell you, to tell anyone in fact!"

"Now you've just made me curious, Irwin," I say winking.


I walked home with Ashton today, Luke was a few metres behind us, as he was walking home too. It was a ten minute walk, but it went so quick when you are walking with a friend.

I get inside and my aunt had left me a note:

hi love, sorry I can't be with you this week. your cousin has gotten a bit sick, so i left some bacon in the fridge and some eggs on the counter.

lots of love,

Helen x

I never got along with my cousins. To be honest I never really thought about them. Helen knew me too well. I loved bacon and eggs, if I'm honest.

I go upstairs and get into my yoga pants and sweat shirt, before grabbing my bag and a drink bottle. I walk to the gym and go the the tap outside to fill up my drink bottle. I look up and see Luke at the counter. When my bottle is full to the brim, I put the lid on and walk into the gym, almost knocking into Luke.

I get to the yoga studio and grab a yoga mat before starting to stretch.

I roll up my yoga mat and say goodbye to the last person in my class to leave the room. I grab my bag and walk out of the gym.

"Alexia," I hear a voice call. I stop walking and turn around so that the tall figure can catch up to me. "Hi babe."

"Why'd you just call me babe?" I ask Luke as we walk along together.

"Sorry, I just call everyone babe," He said, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck. "Soo, you've been hanging out with Ashton and Michael have you?"

I nod.

"Oh, okay," He mumbles.

"What? Is there something wrong with them."

"Uh, well I'm not sure. I've heard too many things about them, wether to believe if they're true or not, I wouldn't know."

"Well, listen. They're the most amazing people I've ever met in my life, you shouldn't believe any rude comment said about-"

"Do you want to go out to dinner with me?" Luke interrupted.

"Oh, well. I'm not sure. Just a few days ago you called my best friends fags-"

"I'm sorry, I know it was a stupid idea. I'll just go now," He said, blushing and running forward.

I grab his arm. "Luke, I'd love to." Oh no.

He smiles and we exchange numbers before we reach Luke's house and he leaves, I walk up a few houses before I meet mine.

I go inside and lock up the house before hopping into the shower. I stand there for a few moments.

what the fuck have I done

I'm going out for dinner with the guy who bullies my friends and i, and who 'hated' me

what am I doing?

I may have a bit of a crush on Luke. But I feel like a bad friend. What if one of them sees me with him and they hate me forever. I don't want that to happen, I felt like they're the only people I could maybe fit in with.

im messing things up

ive messed things up

what's everyone going to think?

why do I always ruin everything?

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