Safety hazards

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One day ago I had killed one of those things, and it had felt like a joyous moment. Now, it feels like the very thing that had killed me.

I woke up blissfully aware that it was still quiet, and light shone threw my drawn curtains. I stood up, and got dressed quickly, not really certain to why I was in a rush.

I killed one of them

Oh yeah, I had. I hurriedly finished tying my shoe laces, and had even debated with keeping my armor on before going downstairs. I decided not to as I came down the glossed oak stairs and starred out the window to try and see the body. I couldn't see it, but it didn't deter me.

I did kill it a little ways away from the car...

I left the thought hang as I looked out of the window. The body was lying there alright, but it was barely visible in between the moving mass of the dead that seemed to be walking to nowhere in particular. I quickly pulled back as I realized that if they saw me I was screwed.

I let out an almost to loud, "Shit!" as I watched the horde move through the road.

I quietly walked back upstairs and slipped on my gear. I wasn't gonna get caught side blinded by this horde of, of...

I'm tired of calling them it. What should I call them?

Rotters. That's it. I'll call them rotters.

My attention was brought back to the real world as they seemed to have stopped moving. They weren't going anywhere, and I bet they were just slowly milling around the city like this. Moving from one block to the next.

I hesitantly drew back my curtain a little bit to get a view of the situation. My room didn't face the road, but instead it faced the side of the next house. I still had a good enough view to help me out.

The houses fences seemed to keep them on the road which would explain why they haven't dispersed into small groups. That helps me in the case of this house getting overrun. I could just lock myself in my room, and that should hopefully give me enough time to get out of the window and onto the roof. From there I could go down to our backyard porch's roof and jump safely to the ground.

I was suddenly worried about having no supplies. I went into my parents room and searched for my dads old hiking back. My family used to go on hiking trips before my mother had a business opportunity in the city.

I went downstairs and started to get my pack ready. I had no medical supplies, but I wouldn't need them if I was careful. I grabbed most of my favorite stuff that came in cans, and grabbed all of the water bottles that we had. I rummaged through the drawers until I found a can opener. I had collected 25 cans of food, and 12 bottles of water. Not good considering that water is used more. I slipped a small frying pan into the bag along with some matches, and a few hand towels.

My pack was already half way, and I haven't even packed clothes yet. I went upstairs to my room and grabbed clothes that would be useful in staying hidden, like dark colors, as well as being tough to rip. I grabbed two of my newest shoes that weren't that bright, I had five new pairs, one of which was hiking boots.

Placing this together I still had enough room to add some stuff that I might come across while searching areas. I wouldn't want a full bag. I set the bag down on my bed, and started looking for my baseball bat. I couldn't remember where I had set it at.

Did I leave it downstairs?

I had just came out of my room, and had started down the stairs when a cars alarm went off. I froze solid, and looked out the window. They had set the police car off, and it was making a lot of noise.

"Shit. Well, at least it happened when I was safe." I said this to myself because I couldn't hear my thoughts that well.

I didn't feel like doing anything, but I needed my baseball bat. I moved around the kitchen and couldn't find it. The sound of glass breaking made me stop.

Are the rotters getting in?

I was suddenly scared, and I crawled through a hallway that led to my parents room. Away from the noise, I quietly closed the door and stood up. On my parents bed was my bat. I had set it there while I was looking for his bag.

The alarm still blared in the background, but I was listening to any sound from inside the house. Luckily I had my armor on, and my bat, but my supplies were upstairs undefended.

I wasn't going to let my fears conquer me. I tighten the grip on my bat as I open up the door. The hallway is empty, and I walk with my back pressed against the wall. I glance across the room at the front door. No glass liters the floor.

It must have been from outside. The police cars windows maybe?

I creep across the room, trying to reach the stairs before anything else might draw attention towards the house. Reaching the banister I quickly dash up the stairs, not worried about noise because of the alarm going off outside.

I stop at the top and walk into my room. Looking at my bed I find my pack the way it is, and I eagerly pick it up. As I grabbed my bag the car siren had suddenly stopped, and it made me feel nervous. Now I have to be really careful, the noise may have dulled my hearing for a while.

I walk downstairs with the bag on my back, and the bat in my hand when I start to hear a random melody start to play.

The wind chimes on the front porch.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Why didn't I take it down yesterday?" I murmured under my breath.

As I move towards the kitchen I watch through the curtains as the whole horde of rotters turn towards my house, and starts to slowly shuffle over. Already in the kitchen I start to turn back to go upstairs, but they had already reached the front part of the house. Their weight having broke the small decorative white wooden fence outside. Nothing stood in their way of the rotters getting to this house.

The banging started on the door, and quickly spread to the walls and windows. It grew as more bodies slammed into it. The door began to rattle as I stood there, staring at the horrible sight.

There must be hundreds out there.

The windows did nothing but crack, but they didn't shatter by sheer luck. The door started to crack, and splinters started to fly from the door frame.

Whispering to myself, "there going to break through."

Realizing what I said I yelled it, "There going to break through!"

I scrambled backwards, free of the paralyzing clutches of death, and started to get back up when the door finally gave way.

I ran down the hallway and took a left which led to the back yard instead of a right that led to the bedroom. I could hear their massed bodies moving as they broke pictures, and overturned tables. I reached the glass door but found it locked.

"No. No. No. please open!" I screamed.

I desperately tried again, but to no avail as I turned around to see the first rotters turning the corner.


Will our no named survivor manage to escape, or will he be succumbed to a gruesome death?

Find out in the next chapter if you keep reading that is.

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