Is "It" Okay

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My vision went black. Then I saw a bright light. Am I dead?


I wake up around 2 o clock and decided I need fresh air. So I stepped out side the motel room. I pulled out one of my cigarettes and lit it. I don't even know why I smoke. I already have bad lungs.

I look around the parking lot with all these weird cars but I noticed that there was a big heap all the way across the parking lot. I couldn't quite tell what it was so I slowly walked over to it. As I got closer I can kinda tell what it was. And let me tell you you it wasn't an it, it was a who.

"Oh my god!" It was a girl she was bleeding to death. She kinda looked like that VIP guest we had. I pulled out my phone and called 911. After the phone call I dashed into the motel room and woke up the guys.

"Come on guys hurry!" I was shaking them like crazy.

"What the hell Adam! Its two in the morning! " Neil was screaming.

"Why the hell do you want us to wake up!?" And now brad was screaming.

"No time to explain just come outside!" I dashed back outside and ran up to the girl. Soon after the rest of the guys came outside.

"Whoa! Isn't that the girl?" Barry was looking at her while checking for a pulse.

"I think so." I answered. The ambulance came and put her on a stretcher and into the ambulance. We hopped in with them and we drove to the hospital. I hope she's alright.

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