What Could Go Wrong

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Neil's POV

As soon as Adam walked in the room he sat down and dozed off. He probably was really tired.

"Hey Neil?" I heard Connie say. I turned around and looked right into her bluish gray eyes.

"What? Is something wrong? What is it?" I was a little concerned of how the tone of her voice was.

She chuckled before she answered. "Nothings the matter Neil. I just wanted to..." And she got cut off by the nurse.

"Hello Mrs Scottins. I am your doctor, doctor varmore." He looked down at his sheets and flipped through the pages before looking back at Connie. "I see that you got stabbed in the stomach area but luckily for you it missed all your organs." He looked back at the sheets again before setting back on the board hanging on the wall. "It will hurt for awhile when you move but I promise you it will go away. Other than that it looks like your going home today."

Connie really perked up then. "Really?" The doctor looked at Connie like she was stupid.

"Yes really. So get your things ready and if you have any more questions or concerns you have my number." He went over to a table and picked up a bottle of pills. We walked back up to Connie and handed her the pills. "These are for the pain." And then he walked out the room.

Connie looked down at the bottle and scoffed. "Really? Who the fuck does he think he is?! Jack ass!" Then she throw the bottle across the room.

I went over to pick it up and I read it. The bottle had Connie's name on it and it said sleeping pills under it. "That jackass was trying to kill you." Then I opened up the bottle eagerly and slowly poured all them on the floor. "Oh oops. Well looks like the floor ate all of them." Connie and I immediately started laughing hard.

After we calmed down a bit we just sat there starring at each other. "Hey Connie, what were you going to ask me earlier?" I don't know why I brought it back up.

"Oh its nothing now." She just looked away and stood up walking away trying to wake Adam up.

Connie's POV

I managed to get Adam up after talking to Neil. I didn't want to talk about my problems. Anyway I'm surprised that he didn't wake up from all the loud noises we were making.

We eventually checked out of the hospital and now we sit on the tour bus with the rest of the guys.

"So what now? I mean tour's not over and you decided to bring along yet another person on the bus. How many Adam!? Huh! How many more are you going to bring?!" It was a weird guy I was guessing was their manager.

"I don't know OK! Let's just proceed with the tour. Connie can stay with us on tour and I can buy her new clothes cause we are going to have to leave now if we want to get to our next show in time." He sat down on a couch that had a table in front of it that was right next to a counter.

Without word the manager went back to the wheel and started to drive. Well here I am on my fist tour with my favorite band. I hope things turn out alright.



Again don't worry about those numbers.

Chapters song: Words as Weapons by Seether

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